§ 17.1.545 SECOND APPEAL.
   A second of an administrative decision can be heard by the City , under the following conditions.
   A.   Any with standing may file a second . The must receive an petition in writing and the required fee within 14 calendar days of the written notice of the decision. The written petition shall specifically state the issues being appealed and the City shall be limited to the consideration of those issues.
   B.   Only issues on the record at the Planning Commission hearing submitted in writing or orally can be appealed to the City .
   C.   Notice of the hearing shall be provided to who participated in the first hearing or requested notice.
   D.   The City hearing shall be limited only to those issues raised in the petition.
   E.   The City decision on an is the ’s .
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009)
§ 17.1.600 DEFINITION.
   A land decision, as defined in O.R.S. 197.015(10), includes or determinations concerning the adoption, or of the goals, a provision, a land regulation or a new land regulation.
   In general, land decisions require the greatest amount of discretion and the evaluation of subjective approval standards. Land decisions that are -specific in nature are classified as Type III quasi-judicial decisions and land decisions that apply to the general population and prescribe policy are classified as Type IV legislative decisions.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009)