A.    shall be submitted on the proper form provided by the , signed by the owner(s) of all properties involved in the , and accompanied by the required fee(s).
   B.   The date the and fee is received by the shall be recorded on the form.
   C.   The shall conduct an initial review within 30 days of receipt to determine if the is complete. The shall issue a written, dated statement to the indicating whether the is complete and, if not, what information must be submitted to make the complete.
   D.   Rejection by the for incompleteness shall be based solely on failure to address the standards or supply information required by Code and by the , in a pre- conference or otherwise, as the determines is necessary to adequately evaluate the proposal. Rejection shall not be based on differences of opinion as to quality or accuracy. Acceptance indicates only that the is ready for review.
   E.   Information submitted by the to the after the date the is deemed complete that results in a substantial change from the original shall require review as a new or waiver of 120 days. The shall determine whether a submission constitutes a substantial change from the original .
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009)