At least 80% of the in a subject to this section shall comply with one or more of the following options:
   A.   Basic requirement (see Solar Option 1 below). A complies with this section if it:
      1.   Has a north-south dimension of 90 feet or more; and
      2.   Has a that is oriented within 30 degrees of a true east-west axis.
   B.   Protected solar option (see Solar Option 2 below). A complies with this section if a solar is used to protect solar as follows:
      1.   A protected solar for the to the north is designated on the , or documents recorded with the ;
      2.   The protected solar for the to the north is oriented within 30 degrees of a true east-west axis;
      3.   There is at least 70 feet between the protected solar on the to the north and the middle of the north-south dimension of the to the south, measured along a line perpendicular to the protected solar ; and
      4.   There is at least 45 feet between the protected solar and the northern edge of the of the , or habitable are situated so that at least 80% of their south-facing wall will not be shaded by or non-exempt .
   C.   Performance option. A complies with this section if:
      1.   Habitable built on the will have their long axis oriented within 30 degrees of a true east-west axis and at least 80% of their ground floor south wall protected from shade by and non-exempt ; or
      2.   Habitable built on that will have at least 32% of their glazing and 500 square feet of their roof area which faces within 30 degrees of south and protected from shade by and non-exempt .
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009)