A.   Pedestrian .
      1.   A system of walkways and pathways shall be installed to link all , recreation areas, parking lots and common . This system may consist of conventional sidewalks paralleling the , or an independent network of pathways. The system shall be linked with sidewalks along   bordering the .
      2.   The pedestrian system shall be designed to minimize conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. Where necessary, crossing and signals shall be installed by the developer to ensure safe crossings.
      3.   Pedestrian pathways may be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles, provided ordinary vehicular traffic is prohibited.
      4.   Pedestrian paths shall be at least four feet wide and shall be paved with a durable, all-weather surface.
   B.   Vehicular .
      1.   Where possible, vehicular to shall be from abutting arterial or collector . When bounded by more than one arterial or collector , only one point from each is permitted.
      2.   An entrance or exit to a shall be at least 100 feet from any public intersection.
      3.    points shall be designed to encourage smooth traffic flow with safe and controlled turning movements. Merging and turnout lanes and traffic dividers shall be required where existing or anticipated heavy traffic volumes indicate the need.
      4.   No shall have direct vehicular to a bordering the manufactured home park. Each shall have direct to an internal road.
      5.   Internal roads and shall be designed to provide safe and convenient to and other facilities in the and for service and emergency vehicles. Internal roads shall not be designed to encourage through traffic to cut through the manufactured home park.
      6.    shall be provided at all roadway and intersections in accordance with the standards of this Code.
   C.   Roadway design standards.
      1.   All interior roadways and drives shall be paved and maintained by the owner of the in accordance with standards.
      2.   All interior roadways shall have the following minimum curb-to-curb pavement widths:
Roadway Class
Pavement Width
Roadway Class
Pavement Width
Class 1 (one-way)
16 feet
Serving less than 20 spaces
One Side
19 feet
Both Sides
25 feet
Class 2 (two-way)
20 feet
Serving less than 50 spaces
One Side
27 feet
Both Sides
34 feet
Class 3 (two-way)
22 feet
Serving more than 50 spaces
One Side
29 feet
Both Sides
36 feet
      3.   All corners shall have a minimum radius of 20 feet.
      4.   Curbs shall be installed on both sides of all interior roads. Curbs may be roll-type rather than vertical.
      5.   Storm drainage shall be managed through a system of underground drainage lines on all Class 3 roads. On Class 1 and 2 roads and , an inverted crown design may be used to conduct runoff water to catch basins.
      6.    shall serve no more than 12   and shall have a minimum turning radius of 35 feet measured to the back of the curb.
      7.   All interior roads shall be adequately lighted.
      8.   Where this section does not cover roadway construction standards, the design standards of the shall apply.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009)