§ 17.1.105 PURPOSE.
   The general purpose of this Code is to set forth and coordinate regulations governing the and of land. The Code is more specifically intended to do the following:
   A.   Serve as the principle tool for implementing the ’s in a manner that protects the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Forest Grove;
   B.   Satisfy relevant requirements of federal, state and regional law, goals and rules;
   C.   Facilitate prompt review of proposals and the of clear and specific standards;
   D.   Provide for public information, review and comment on proposals that may have a significant impact on the community;
   E.   Guide public and private planning policies and actions to ensure provision of adequate water, sewerage, transportation, drainage, parks, and other public facilities for each ;
   F.   Provide for the review of the transportation impacts of land , with particular emphasis on not exceeding the planned capacities of the transportation system;
   G.   Require that and designs provide reasonable protection from fire, , landslide, erosion or other natural hazards; and
   H.   Require that provides for reasonable preservation, enhancement or of sensitive resources.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed 3-9-2009)