(A)   In order to expedite service to applicants or licensees seeking written recommendation for a special event winery and/or grower permit or temporary sales liquor license, the City Council delegates to the City Manager or designee its authority to review special event winery and/or grower permits and temporary sales liquor license applications and make recommendation to OLCC.
   (B)   The city’s special event winery and/or grower permit and temporary sales liquor license rules, fees, and recommendation shall be as follows.
      (1)   The applicant or licensee shall pay prior to processing a special event winery and/or grower permit or temporary sales liquor license application, an application fee, set in the maximum amount allowed by state law, and as specified by Council resolution. The city’s application processing fee shall be nonrefundable.
      (2)   The applicant or licensee must verify, if applicable, that he or she has obtained a valid city temporary business license for an event held in the city. Special events are subject to the provisions of §§ 110.025 through 110.030, business license required.
      (3)   In case of an adverse recommendation, the City Manager or designee shall comply with the guidelines prescribed in §§ 110.071 and 110.072.
      (4)   The City Manager or designee may refuse to accept any liquor license application if the applicant or licensee has not allowed at least seven days before the event date to obtain recommendation from the city and/or the liquor license application was not submitted in the form prescribed in § 110.071.
      (5)   In case of refusal to accept a liquor license permit or application, the City Manager or designee shall prepare a written letter addressed to the OLCC stating the reason(s) for refusal or non-acceptance of the liquor license permit or application.
(Prior Code, § 7.815) (Ord. 2010-05, passed 6-14-2010)