(A)   Except as may otherwise be provided in divisions (F) and (G) below, any person doing business, including a home business or a temporary business, within the city shall first obtain a license and pay the required annual fee.
   (B)   Nonresident businesses must obtain a city business license and pay the required fees.
   (C)   Solicitor(s) must obtain a city business license and pay the required fees, except as may otherwise be provided in divisions (F) and (G) below. Additionally, solicitors must comply with §§ 111.015 through 111.018.
   (D)   Temporary businesses and special events are subject to the provisions of §§ 110.025 through 110.030 and required to obtain a temporary business license and pay the fee specified by Council resolution.
   (E)   No person shall conduct business within the city as an employee, agent, or representative of a business without first having obtained a valid city business license regardless of the locale of the principal office(s) of that business.
   (F)   The following businesses and activities need not obtain a business license but instead will be issued, at no cost, an “exemption certificate” that shall record the location, purpose, and contact information of the business or activity if one is applied for:
      (1)   Churches and governmental agencies, including publicly funded schools;
      (2)   Civic leagues or civic organizations operating exclusively for promotion of social welfare which may from time to time conduct business like activities on a temporary basis, the earnings of which are devoted exclusively to social welfare, religious, and/or fraternal purposes;
      (3)   Independent contractors, such as medical care providers, beauticians, and the like, working in a building where the owner has obtained a business license under one business name covering those located in the building engaged in like profession under the business name indicated on the license;
      (4)   Community events where a special event and other applicable permits have been granted by the city;
      (5)   Any business or occupation specifically exempt from the payment of a business license fee under the state or federal law or constitution;
      (6)   Any business specifically exempted by Council; or
      (7)   Producers of farm products raised in the state and sold by them or their immediate families.
   (G)   The following businesses and activities neither need to obtain a business license nor an exemption certificate:
      (1)   A service business operated by a person under the age of 18, such as lawn mowing, newspaper delivery, lemonade stand, and the like;
      (2)   Solicitations for contributions or donations which are exclusively devoted to charitable, social welfare, religious, educational, political, or fraternal purposes;
      (3)   Owner-occupied residential dwellings where two or fewer units or rooms are rented or leased for sleeping or living purposes;
      (4)   Utilities currently franchised by and paying a franchise fee to the city;
      (5)   A household or garage sale conducted consistent with the terms of the Business License Code;
      (6)   A contractor with a business license from Metro; and
      (7)   Any activity specifically exempt from licensing under the state law or constitution or federal law or constitution.
(Prior Code, § 7.015) (Ord. 2008-01, passed 3-31-2008)