(A)   No person shall place an obstruction within the public way unless otherwise permitted under this or any other city ordinance.
   (B)   All obstructions shall comply with the following restrictions and conditions.
      (1)   No obstruction shall be placed:
         (a)   Within three feet of any marked pedestrian crosswalk as measured from the point of intersection between a crosswalk and the sidewalk curbing closest to the intended location of said object;
         (b)   Within five feet of any intersecting driveway, alley, or street;
         (c)   In a manner reducing the clear, continuous sidewalk width to less than five feet;
         (d)   In a manner interfering with ingress or egress from private property or public facilities; or
         (e)   Such that the placement causes a hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic or obstructs the view of such traffic from the public way.
      (2)   No object or obstruction shall be attached in any way to a fire hydrant or other emergency equipment, traffic signal controller, traffic sign, light pole, utility pole, or street tree.
      (3)   Temporary obstructions shall be removed by the expiration date on the permit.
      (4)   Other than signs, no commercial advertising shall be permitted on long-term obstructions.
      (5)   All objects shall be maintained by the owner of the object at all times in a clean, neat, and attractive condition and in good repair. The area around said object shall be kept free of debris and litter at all times.
      (6)   No sign, awning, or architectural features shall be located less than eight feet in height as measured from the sidewalk surface.
      (7)   A tourist-oriented business may have an offsite portable sign as provided by division (B)(8)(a) below or a city sign as provided by division (B)(10) below.
      (8)   Temporary and portable signs within the public right-of-way shall be subject to the following provisions.
         (a)   Each commercially or industrially-zoned property shall be permitted one portable sign, either on the premises or in the right-of-way located directly adjacent to the property to which the sign pertains. An additional portable sign may be placed within the right-of-way in front of any other property, provided that the owner of the property where the sign is placed gives written permission for the placement of the sign. In no case shall there be more than one portable sign placed in the right-of-way in front of any property. Signs shall be professionally prepared, shall not be larger than six square feet, shall contain no moving parts, and shall not be lighted. Signs shall be removed at the close of business each day. Obstructions other than signs can be placed anywhere in the public way subject to the provisions of this code. Portable signs are typically signs known as sandwich board signs.
         (b)   During the time of a garage sale, one temporary sign shall be permitted per frontage in the right-of-way located directly adjacent to the property to which the sign pertains and up to two temporary signs may be placed anywhere within the public right-of-way consistent with the requirements of this subchapter. Said signs shall not exceed four square feet in area, which are allowed from 6:00 a.m. on Friday to Sunday at 6:00 p.m. and must be removed promptly thereafter. Such signs are typically used for garage sales. No permit shall be required for such signs.
         (c)   Up to two temporary signs during the time of sale, lease, or rental of a lot or structure. The signs can be located anywhere in a residential, commercial, or industrial zone district within the public right-of-way with each sign not exceeding six square feet in size and 30 inches in height. Said signs are allowed from 6:00 a.m. on Friday to Sunday at 6:00 p.m. and must be removed promptly thereafter. No permit shall be required for such signs.
      (9)   Obstructions other than vending machines shall be located directly adjacent to the property to which the obstruction pertains.
      (10)   Signs allowed for tourist-oriented businesses on streets under city jurisdiction shall be subject to the following:
         (a)   Not more than one sign is allowed per business;
         (b)   Only one sign shall be allowed on a street sign pole and more than one sign can be allowed on other poles; and
         (c)   Said signs shall be approved, located, and erected by the Public Works Director.
   (C)   In addition to the provisions of divisions (A) and (B) above, non-movable obstructions shall:
      (1)   Be located at least ten feet as measured along the curb from any fire hydrant or other emergency equipment facility;
      (2)   Be located at least three feet from any traffic signal controller, traffic sign, light pole, or utility pole; and
      (3)   Shall not be located over a utility vault, meter cover, manhole, or access cover.
(Prior Code, § 3.910) (Ord. 2011-08, passed 7-11-2011) Penalty, see § 90.99