(A)   Meetings.
      (1)   Unless otherwise required by state law or city code, the CFC shall hold meetings no less than four times a year unless more frequently as established by the CFC.
      (2)   At the first regularly scheduled CFC meeting each year, the CFC shall adopt a schedule of its meetings and schedule its Annual Report presentation to City Council for the upcoming year, including meeting dates for holidays and canceled meetings.
      (3)   The CFC meeting agenda and packet shall be distributed to the CFC at least five days prior to the meeting.
      (4)   All meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing to speak to the CFC may do so under Citizen Communications. In the interest of time, comments may be limited to three minutes unless additional time is granted by the presiding officer.
      (5)   The student member may provide a report at every meeting.
      (6)   A public meeting is defined as two or more members meeting who have been delegated authority by the CFC to advise or make recommendations to the CFC.
      (7)   Special meetings may be called by a vote of the CFC at any regularly scheduled meeting, by the request of the Chair, Council Liaison, or written petition by three or more CFC members.
      (8)   All meetings and hearings shall be held at a designated date, place and time in compliance with Public Meetings Law (O.R.S. Chapter 192) and subject to Public Records Law (O.R.S. Chapter 192).
   (B)   Minutes.
      (1)   The CFC may appoint a secretary at the first regularly scheduled CFC meeting of each year to take the CFC meeting minutes.
      (2)   Written minutes are required for all meetings.
      (3)   The minutes shall follow a standard template provided by the city.
      (4)   The meeting minutes shall briefly summarizing what took place and must include: 1) any action items, 2) attendance, and 3) vote of each member. Verbatim minutes are not required.
      (5)   Staff may take minutes if the CFC requests the city to do so.
      (6)   Staff shall review the minutes to assure compliance with state law.
      (7)   Staff shall post the approved minutes to the website as soon as possible.
   (C)   Attendance.
      (1)   Members are expected to attend every meeting.
      (2)   Members shall notify the staff liaison prior to the regular meeting to report an absence.
      (3)   The Chair, with the consent of the CFC, may submit a recommendation to City Council to deem a member's position vacant for three or more absences in a 12-month period.
      (4)   The City Recorder's Office shall notify any member who has three or more absences in a 12-month period that their position may be subject to vacancy.
   (D)   Quorum. Unless otherwise required by state law, a majority of the total number of voting CFC members constitutes a quorum.
   (E)   Voting and decision making.
      (1)   Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all proceedings unless they conflict with these rules.
      (2)   The Chair has the right to vote whenever a vote is cast. In the case of a tie vote with the Chair voting, the motion fails.
      (3)   The CFC shall operate in the general public interest serving the community as a whole. The CFC shall serve no special interest(s) or endorse any commercial product or enterprise.
   (F)   Conflicts of interest and ethics law.
      (1)   CFC members are considered public officials subject to the Oregon Government Ethics Law (O.R.S. Ch. 244), which seeks to prevent a public official from receiving financial gain or avoiding a financial detriment because of their status as a public official.
      (2)   CFC members are subject to the Restrictions on Political Campaigning when acting in official capacity (O.R.S. § 260.432).
      (3)   A civil penalty may be imposed by the State for each violation of any provision of the O.R.S.
   (G)   Role of Council Liaison.
      (1)   The Council Liaison shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, and shall be a non-voting member.
      (2)   Council Liaison's role is to collaborate between the City Council and the CFC to assure each group's collective interest is accurately and effectively represented to the other, including actively attending and reporting to each entity at their regular scheduled meetings.
      (3)   The Council Liaison shall have the freedom of the floor at all times to present Council's views and to comment or suggest actions to the CFC.
   (H)   Role of staff liaison.
      (1)   The staff liaison shall be appointed by the City Manager and shall be non-voting. The staff liaison shall assist the CFC by utilizing their expertise regarding city policy and process.
      (2)   The staff liaison shall:
         (a)   Orient newly-appointed members prior to the first meeting on the duties and responsibilities of being a CFC.
         (b)   Review the agenda in consultation with the CFC Chair. The agenda shall follow a standard template provided by the city.
         (c)   Prepare, post and distribute the CFC packet at least five days prior to the meeting. Post the final agenda on the bulletin board at the meeting location.
         (d)   Prepare CFC meeting minutes, briefly summarizing what took place and must include any action items, attendance and vote of each member.
         (e)   Report any member who has three or more absences in a 12-month period to the City Recorder's Office.
         (f)   Additional staff liaison duties and responsibilities may be found in the Council Rules, § 14.
   (I)   Registry. The City Recorder's Office shall maintain a current roster of all members, including appointment date, length of unexpired term, and contact information. The roster may be subject to Public Records Law (O.R.S. Chapter 192). A copy of the roster shall be provided to Council and staff liaison at least once per year or upon any substantial change in membership.
   (J)   Amending bylaws.
      (1)   A majority of all members must vote affirmatively to modify the CFC bylaws on at least two separate readings at two separate meetings.
      (2)   A final decision on a bylaw change shall not be made until at least the next regular meeting following the introduction and second of the motion.
      (3)   All bylaws or rules, including changes, must be approved by the City Council.
      (4)   Bylaws shall follow a standard template provided by the city.
(Prior Code, § 9.225) (Ord. 2009-04, passed 3-9-2009; Ord. 2020-04, passed 8-10-2020)