Whenever a person is found guilty of operating a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle in violation of any section of the Traffic Code or any rule or regulation authorized to be promulgated under the Codified Ordinances of the Village, the trial judge of any court of record may in addition to or independent of any other penalties provided be law impound for not less than sixty days the certificate of registration of such snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle. The Court shall send the impounded certificate of registration to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles who shall retain the certificate until the expiration of the period of impoundment.
   In the event a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle is impounded as provided herein, the owner of the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle shall be liable for and cause to be paid the cost of transportation, towing and storage and prove ownership of the vehicle before it will be released to him.
   If a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle impounded as provided herein, is not claimed within a period of 180 days from the date of such impoundment, the Forest Police Department may cause said snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle or all purpose vehicle to be sold at public auction without further notice to the owner thereof. The proceeds of such sale shall be first applied to the cost incurred in the impoundment and the sale of said machine and the balance shall be deposited in the Village General Fund.