(a)   The Village Administrator shall be the complaint officer.
   (b)   The complaint procedure shall be in steps as follows:
      (1)   Complaint.
         A.   The complainant shall have the opportunity to file a written complaint and the complaint officer shall be available to provide assistance to the complainant.
         B.   The complaint must be filed within one year of the alleged occurrence. It is recommended that the complaint be filed within ten working days of the alleged occurrence.
         C.   A standard complaint form shall be furnished by the complaint officer.
      (2)   Complaint Officer.
         A.   The complaint office shall meet with the complainant within five working days after the filing of the complaint in an attempt to resolve the matter.
         B.   Notice of an opportunity for a hearing before the Mayor, when the meeting with the complaint officer fails to resolve the matter, shall be given. The notice shall state the procedure for requesting the hearing and shall describe the elements of the hearing.
         C.   The complainant shall be given an opportunity for a hearing within sixteen working days after the complaint is filed.
         D.   The complainant shall also be advised, in writing, of all procedural rights.
      (3)   Mayor.
         A.   A final written decision of the Mayor shall be made and mailed (certified mail, return receipt requested) within twenty-six working days after the hearing.
         B.   The Mayor's written decision shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
            1.   The reason or reasons for the decision.
            2.   A statement that procedures have been completed.
            3.   Notice of the right to file an appeal to the Village Council when any party disagrees with any aspect of the Mayor's decision.
      (4)   Council.
         A.   The complainant has six working days after receipt of the Mayor's decision to file an appeal with Council.
         B.   The Council may uphold, in whole or in part, the Mayor's decision or provide a formal hearing and decision within thirty working days from the date of receipt of the appeal.
            (Ord. 1497. Passed 12-11-97.)