Whenever a complaint by anyone is made to the Mayor of the existence of a public nuisance in the Village, the Mayor shall inspect the premises on which it is alleged that the nuisance exists. The Mayor shall notify the County Health Commissioner, the Police Chief, and the Fire Chief. These Officers, if they have not already done so, shall inspect and photograph the premises on which the alleged nuisance exists. Written reports, photographs, and the findings of these Officers regarding the alleged nuisance and any immediate danger to the health, safety, and welfare shall be filed with and retained by the Mayor. Should any two of the aforesaid Officers concur with the Mayor regarding the alleged nuisance and that the nature thereof is such as to require its summary abatement, the Mayor shall determine the persons, firm, or corporation who, from the County Auditors records appears to be the title owner(s) of the property and immediately cause a written notice to be served on the person, persons, or corporation by the Police Chief or subordinate police officer of the Village, either personally or by leaving a copy at the usual place of residence or business of the owner or at the address of the owner shown in the County Auditors records, or by mailing a copy to the owner(s) by United States certified mail, return receipt requested. If service of the written notice cannot be achieved by any of these methods, the Mayor shall cause a copy of the notice to be left with the person(s), if any, in possession of the premises on which the alleged nuisance exists or if no person is available, post a copy of the notice on the premises. The notice shall state the findings by the Mayor and the aforementioned Officers with respect to the existence of a public nuisance and the items which are alleged to be in need of repair, replacement and/or removal and shall further state that unless the owner(s) cause the abatement of said nuisance within a time fixed by such Officers, which shall not be less than twenty-four (24) hours nor more than two (2) weeks after service of the notice, the alleged nuisance may be abated by the Village at the expense of the owner(s). Any act, inspection or finding required to be carried out by the public officials designated in this section and Section 1329.03 , including participation on the Hearing Board provided for in Section 1329.03 , may be carried out by any of their subordinates assigned or directed by them.
(Ord. 1876. Passed 6-11-15.)