(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Committee is to provide citizens of all ages with safe, clean, well-maintained places to play, exercise, relax, and engage in community-related activities.
   (B)   Composition and duties.
      (1)   The Parks and Recreation Board shall consist of seven members. The members shall be residents or property owners of the city.
      (2)   The Parks and Recreation Committee shall prepare a parks and recreation plan encompassing all city-owned parks, playgrounds, and other recreation areas. The plan shall recommend new recreation areas; make recommendations as to the layout, equipment, operations, landscaping, and beautification of recreation areas; and include rules and regulations regarding the use of recreation areas. The plan shall also include a schedule for repair, replacement, modification, and maintenance of recreation areas.
      (3)   The Committee shall present the plan to City Council for approval and review the plan every five years and modify as necessary. All modified plans shall be resubmitted to City Council for approval.
      (4)   The Committee shall prepare annually a request for funds on a format to be provided by the City Administrator defining the scope of the work, recommendations for purchases of capital items, funds needed for operation and maintenance, including, but not limited to, part- time labor. The request for funds shall be submitted to the City Administrator for budget preparations no later than March 1 of each year.
   (C)   Meetings. The Parks and Recreation Board shall meet when necessary but in no case less than once per month.
(Ord. 25-17, passed 9-26-17)