(A)   Purpose. The Construction and Fire Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall hear appeals from decisions of the Building Official and the Fire Code Official and to consider variances of the technical building, fire, or flood codes.
   (B)   Composition and duties.
      (1)   The board of appeals shall consist of five individuals, one from each of the following professions or disciplines:
         (a)   Registered design professional with architectural experience or a builder or superintendent of building construction with at least ten years' experience, five of which shall have provided supervisory direction and controlled authority.
         (b)   Registered design professional with structural engineering experience.
         (c)   Registered design professional with mechanical and plumbing engineering experience or a mechanical contractor with at least ten years' experience, five of which shall have provided supervisory direction and controlled authority.
         (d)   Registered design professional with electrical engineering experience or an electrical contractor with at least ten years' experience, five of which shall have provided supervisory direction and controlled authority.
         (e)   Registered design professional with fire protection engineering experience or a fire protection contractor with at least ten years' experience, five of which shall have provided supervisory direction and controlled authority.
      (2)   No member of the Board shall hold any other public office or position in the city while serving on the Construction and Fire Board of Adjustments and Appeals.
      (3)   The duties of the Board include to hear and decide appeals of decisions and interpretations of the Building Official and to consider variances of the technical building, fire, or flood codes.
   (C)   Meetings.
      (1)   The Construction and Fire Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall meet when necessary to hear appeals.
      (2)   All meetings of the Construction and Fire Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall be transcribed verbatim.
      (3)   Decisions shall be made by a majority vote when a quorum is present, but no fewer than three affirmative votes shall be required to modify a decision of the Building Official or to vary any provision of the adopted technical building, fire, or flood codes.
      (4)   The Chairperson or, in his or her absence, the acting Chairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses by subpoena.
(Ord. 25-17, passed 9-26-17)