§ 168.04-01 Lots Residential and Nonresidential Districts.
   (A)   General. Development of a single-family dwelling on the lot of record shall comply with the other standards in Chapter 165: Dimensional Standards, to the maximum extent practicable.
   (B)   Combination of lots. If two or more lots of record or combination of lots of record and portions of contiguous lots of record are in single ownership on or after March 1, 2019, or on the date one or more of the lots become nonconforming, and if all or part of one or more of these lots do not comply with the lot area standards in Chapter 165: Dimensional Standards; and if one or more of these lots are adjacent to either the OCRM Critical Line or the OCRM Baseline, the lots involved shall be considered to be an individual lot for the purposes of this ZDO, and no portion of these lots shall be used or sold which do not comply with the lot area standards in Chapter 165: Dimensional Standards, nor shall any division of the lots be made that leaves remaining any lot that fails to comply with the lot area standards. Single ownership in this section shall be defined to include any ownership where all equitable owners of the contiguous lots are the same, even if the deeds for the lots are held in different names. This shall include equitable owners such as: individually named owner(s), beneficiary(ies), trusts, member(s) of an LLC, shareholder(s) in a corporation or any other arrangement where the equitable owner(s) of the contiguous lots is(are) the same.
   (C)   Lots in the DC and IC Districts. In addition to the ability to construct a single-family dwelling, lawfully established nonconforming lots of record in the DC and IC Districts may be developed with any use allowed in the district (See Table 164.01, Table of Allowable Uses) following approval of a special exception permit (See § 162.03-03) by the BZA.
   (D)   Lots with no frontage on an open, public street. No lot which is adjacent to either the OCRM Critical Line or the OCRM Baseline and does not have frontage on an open, public street as of March 1, 2019 shall be developed without the provision of 20 feet of access to an open, public street. The requirement for access may be satisfied by direct frontage or platted easement. Once developed, a 20-foot access route, clear of obstruction, must be maintained for emergency access. Development on islands that are not accessible by open, public street shall be exempt from this requirement.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10; Am. Ord. 14-19, passed 4-9-19; Am. Ord. 24-20, passed 12-8-20; Am. Ord. 035-21, passed 12-14-21; Am. Ord. 011-24, passed 6-11-24)