§ 166.08-03 Prohibited Signs.
   (A)   Signs displaying intermittent lights resembling the flashing lights customarily used in traffic signals or in police, fire, ambulance or rescue vehicles or any sign using the words "stop," "danger," or any other word, phrase, symbol, or character in a manner that might mislead or confuse an automobile or other vehicular driver.
   (B)   Signs within any street or highway right-of-way, whether temporary or permanent, except traffic signs and signal and information signs erected by a public agency.
   (C)   Signs painted on or attached to trees, telephone or other utility poles, or signs painted on or attached to rocks or other natural features or painted on the roofs of buildings.
   (D)   Signs in the marsh or signs interrupting the vista of the marsh.
   (E)   Exterior signs in the Residential Districts that are illuminated internally or externally in any manner except:
      (1)   Noncommercial signs that reference a celebrated holiday.
      (2)   Signs advertising security and home protection services which are externally illuminated by downward facing light focused on the exterior of the sign according to the standards of § 166.10-09, Sign Lighting.
      (3)   House numbers and street addresses.
   (F)   Exterior signs in the Commercial Districts that are illuminated internally in any manner or are externally illuminated in any way other than by downward facing light focused on the exterior of the sign according to the standards of § 166.10-09, Sign Lighting.
   (G)   Commercial signs in the Residential Districts, other than temporary long term rental signs and home security signs in compliance with the standards of § 166.08-04, Standards for Permanent and Temporary Signs Not Requiring Permits, including home occupations, non-profits, or donation or tip-based enterprises. This includes any sign providing commercial or contact information of any sort or otherwise implying that a property is available for rent or advertising a commercial service, including, but not limited to, business name, real estate company or agency name, rental agency name, including on-line rental websites, website or domain name, email address, physical address other than the property itself, or telephone number.
   (H)   Off-premises signs.
   (I)   Roof signs of any type in the Residential Districts.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10; Am. Ord. 04-18, passed 9-25-18)