§ 166.06-09 Alternative Parking Plan.
   The Planning Commission shall be authorized to approve an alternative parking plan, which proposes alternatives to providing the number of required off-street parking spaces required by Table 166.07, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards, in accordance with the standards listed below. Nothing in this section shall limit the utilization of one or more of the following off-street parking alternatives by a single use.
   (A)   Provision over the maximum allowed. Requests to provide more than the maximum number of off-street parking spaces required by § 166.06-04(E), Maximum Number of Spaces Permitted, shall comply with the following:
      (1)   Parking demand study. Requests for exceeding the maximum number of required off-street parking spaces shall be accompanied by a parking demand study demonstrating how the maximum number of parking spaces specified by § 166.06-04(E), Maximum Number of Spaces Permitted, is insufficient for the proposed development.
      (2)   Minimum amount required. Requests to exceed the maximum number of off-street spaces allowed are limited to the minimum number of additional spaces required as recommended in the required parking demand study.
   (B)   Shared parking. The Zoning Administrator may approve shared parking facilities for developments with different operating hours or different peak business periods if the shared parking complies with all of the following standards:
      (1)   Located within 500 feet. Shared parking spaces shall be located within 500 feet of the primary entrance of all uses served, unless remote parking shuttle bus service is provided. Shared parking spaces shall not be separated from the use they serve by an arterial or collector road. In addition, adequate and safe pedestrian access must be provided from and to the shared parking areas.
      (2)   Same or more intensive use. A shared parking area shall be located on a site with the same or more intensive zone district classification than required for the primary uses served.
         (a)   Those wishing to use shared parking as a means of satisfying the off-street parking standards must submit a shared parking request to the Zoning Administrator that justifies the feasibility of shared parking. Justification shall include information on the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover, and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing off-street parking spaces.
            1.   The maximum reduction in the number of parking spaces required for all uses sharing the parking area shall be 50%.
            2.   Directional signage which complies with the standards of this ZDO shall be added to direct the public to the shared parking spaces. It is preferable for the employees of an establishment to utilize these spaces.
         (b)   A shared parking plan shall be enforced through written agreement among all owners of record. An attested copy of the agreement between the owners of record must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for recordation. Recordation of the agreement shall take place prior to issuance of a zoning permit (See § 162.03-13) for any use to be served by the shared parking area. A shared parking agreement may be revoked only if all required off-street parking spaces will be provided in accordance with the requirements of Table 166.07, Minimum Off-Street Parking Standards.
      (3)   Less intensive use. A shared parking area may be located on a site with a less intensive zone district classification than required for the primary uses served, provided that:
         (a)   The proposal receives a special exception permit in accordance with § 162.03-03, Special Exception Permit;
         (b)   Vehicular access to the shared parking area is limited to the use(s) it serves; and
         (c)   Portions of the shared parking area not directly adjacent to the use it serves are surrounded by a solid six-foot fence meeting the standards of § 166.09, Fences and Walls.
   (C)   Off-site parking for nonresidential uses. All off-street parking areas for any nonresidential use shall be provided on the same parcel of land as the use it serves; provided, however, that where there are practical difficulties in the location of the parking area or if the public safety or public convenience, or both, is better served by its location on another parcel of land. Off-site parking for nonresidential uses shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Same ownership. The parking area is located on land under the same ownership or the use it serves.
      (2)   Pedestrian way required. A pedestrian way, not more than 600 feet in length, is established from the parking area to the use to be served.
      (3)   No undue hazard. The parking area is convenient to the use without causing unreasonable:
         (a)   Hazard to pedestrians;
         (b)   Hazard to vehicular traffic;
         (c)   Traffic congestion;
         (d)   Interference with commercial activity or convenient access to other parking areas in the vicinity;
         (e)   Detriment to the appropriate use of business lands in the vicinity; or
         (f)   Detriment to any residential neighborhood.
   (D)   Parking structures. The off-street parking required by this section may be located in a parking structure, whether on the same or on a different lot than the uses which it serves. Ground floor parking provided in a parking structure shall be screened, insofar as practicable, from surrounding uses and from public view as required by § 166.02-05, Vehicular Use Area Landscaping. In addition, for uses located on the same lot as the structure, the conditions required for shared parking shall apply. For uses located on a different lot as the structure, the conditions required for off-site parking shall apply.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)