§ 163.04-05 General Standards for the PD District.
   (A)   Development parameters. Prior to the approval of a PD zoning district designation, the Planning Commission shall recommend and the City Council shall find the application for the PD zoning district designation, the required PD Master Plan, and the PD Terms and Conditions comply with the following standards.
      (1)   Master Plan. The PD Master Plan:
         (a)   Is prepared by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect, or land planner;
         (b)   Includes a statement of planning objectives for the site;
         (c)   Identifies the general location of land uses within individual development areas or development pods, and the mix of land uses;
         (d)   Calculates the acreage, number, type, and mix of land uses, including the total number of residential units, residential densities, and nonresidential intensities within each development area or development pod, and the total number, type, and mix of land uses for the entire PD Master Plan;
         (e)   Identifies the general location, amount, and type (whether designated for active or passive recreation) of open space;
         (f)   Identifies the location of environmentally sensitive lands, wildlife habitat, and riparian areas;
         (g)   Identifies the on-site transportation circulation system including all public and private streets, existing or projected transit corridors, pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and how such on-site improvements will connect with existing adjacent city facilities;
         (h)   Identifies on-site potable water and wastewater facilities, how they will connect to city systems, and how construction will occur in accordance with city ordinances; and
         (i)   Identifies the general location of all public facility sites serving the development, including transportation, potable water, wastewater, parks, fire, police, EMS, stormwater management, and schools.
      (2)   In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. The PD zoning district designation and the PD Master Plan are in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan.
      (3)   Compatibility with adjacent existing or proposed development. Development along the perimeter of a PD District is compatible with adjacent existing or proposed development. If appropriate, in cases where there are issues of compatibility, the PD Master Plan shall provide for transition areas at the edges of the PD District that provide for appropriate buffering or ensure a complementary character of uses. Complementary character shall be identified based on densities/intensities, lot size and dimensions, building height, building mass and scale, hours of operation, exterior lighting, and location of service areas.
      (4)   Development phasing plan. If there are phases of development proposed for the PD, a development phasing plan shall be provided for the PD Master Plan that identifies the general sequence or phases in which the land is proposed to be developed, including how residential and nonresidential development is timed, how infrastructure (public and private) and open space is provided and timed, and how development is coordinated with the city's capital improvements program. The phasing plan shall be established at the time of approval of the PD Master Plan. It is permissible for a development phasing plan to include only one phase.
      (5)   On-site public facilities. The PD Master Plan shall establish the responsibility of the landowner/developer to make any on-site or other public improvements as appropriate. The PD Master Plan shall ensure that impacts from the PD Master Plan are addressed for the following:
         (a)   The PD Master Plan shall establish the general location of on-site potable water facilities and how they will connect to the city's potable water system consistent with city laws, and how dedication of land, easements, or on-site construction of all potable water facilities/improvements will occur in a manner that complies with city laws.
         (b)   The PD Master Plan shall establish the general location of on-site wastewater facilities and, as appropriate, how they will connect to the city's or other wastewater lines and mains and sewer interceptor lines consistent with city laws, and how dedication of land, easements, or on-site construction of all wastewater facilities/improvements will occur in a manner that complies with city laws.
         (c)   The PD Master Plan shall establish the design of public streets within the planned development in ways that comply with all applicable city standards. Right-of-way, pavement widths, and street widths may be reduced by the City Council where it is found that:
            1.   The PD Master Plan provides for separation of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic;
            2.   Access for emergency service vehicles is not substantially impaired;
            3.   Adequate off-street parking is provided for the uses proposed; and
            4.   Adequate space for public utilities is provided within the right-of-way.
         (d)   The PD Master Plan shall establish the general location and function of on-site stormwater management facilities in accordance with city, state, and federal regulations.
         (e)   The PD Master Plan shall establish the responsibility of the subdivider/owner for providing right-of-way and easements and for constructing on-site facilities for all other infrastructure located on the site of the proposed planned development, including but not limited to police facilities, fire facilities, and EMS facilities. The PD Master Plan shall also establish the responsibility of the subdivider/owner to make any other improvements as required by city ordinances, and, if requested by the city, to dedicate these improvements to the city in a form that complies with city laws.
      (6)   Off-site public facilities. The PD Master Plan shall include a fire, police, and EMS component that demonstrate adequate facilities for fire protection, police protection, and EMS services is available or will be available at the time development occurs to accommodate development proposed in the PD Master Plan.
      (7)   Planned Development Terms and Conditions. Concurrent with the approval of the adopting ordinance for the PD zoning district designation and the PD Master Plan, a statement of PD Terms and Conditions shall be established binding the PD to any conditions placed in the adopting ZDO and PD Master Plan. The PD Terms and Conditions shall include, but not be limited to:
         (a)   The PD Master Plan, including any PD Standards;
         (b)   Conditions related to the approval of the PD Master Plan;
         (c)   Conditions related to the form and design of development in the PD Master Plan;
         (d)   Provisions addressing how transportation, potable water, wastewater, stormwater management, fire/police/EMS, parks, schools, and any other relevant public facilities will be provided to accommodate the development proposed for the PD Master Plan;
         (e)   Provisions related to environmental protection and monitoring; and
         (f)   Any other provisions the City Council determines is relevant and appropriate to the implementation of the PD.
   (B)   Minimum area. A PD District shall be a minimum of three acres in area. The City Council may waive this minimum area requirement (following a recommendation of the Planning Commission), based on a finding that creative site planning through rezoning to a PD District is necessary to address a physical development constraint, protect sensitive natural areas, or promote a community goal when more conventional development or subdivision would be difficult or undesirable given the constraints on development.
   (C)   Uses. The uses allowed in a PD District are identified in Table 164.01, Table of Allowed Uses. Allowed uses are subject to any use regulations applicable to the PD District. A mix of different residential dwelling types in close proximity to one another is encouraged. Commercial uses serving the development are also allowed.
   (D)   Maximum density. The maximum density in a PD District shall not exceed those authorized in the base district(s) being replaced by the PD District designation.
   (E)   Dimensional standards. The dimensional standards of Table 165.01, Table of Dimensional Standards, do not apply to the PD District, but all proposed dimensional standards shall be established in the PD Master Plan. Dimensional standards shall include the following:
      (1)   Minimum dimensional requirements. The minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum and maximum setbacks, maximum lot coverage, maximum height for development, maximum individual building size, and floor area ratios.
      (2)   Setbacks from adjoining residential uses. Minimum setbacks from adjoining residential development or residential zoning districts.
   (F)   Development standards.
      (1)   Off-street parking and loading. All development in a PD District shall comply with the standards of § 166.06, Off-Street Parking and Loading, unless they are modified in the PD Master Plan in ways that are consistent with the general intent and purpose for the PD District and this section. Any modifications to the standards of § 166.06, Off-Street Parking and Loading, shall be specified in a Master Parking Plan included as part of the PD Master Plan. The Master Parking Plan may include parking alternatives which reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces by a specific amount through alternative parking strategies including shared parking, deferred parking, off-site parking, or other parking alternatives identified in § 166.06, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
      (2)   Tree protection. All development in a PD District is subject to the retention of the existing tree canopy, protection of grand and landmark trees, tree protection during construction, and all other standards of § 166.01, Tree Protection.
      (3)   Landscaping standards. All development in the PD District is subject to the general requirements for landscaping in § 166.02, Landscaping Standards, except that uses internal to the PD District shall not be required to provide a perimeter buffer, or if they are modified in the PD Master Plan in ways that are consistent with the general intent and purpose for the PD District and this section. Any modifications to the standards of § 166.02, Landscaping Standards, shall be specified in an alternative landscaping plan included as part of the PD Master Plan. Required marsh and dune buffers (See §§ 166.04-03 and 166.04-04) may not be reduced as part of the approval of any PD District.
      (4)   Fencing standards. All development in the PD District shall comply with the standards of § 166.09, Fences and Walls, unless they are modified in the PD Master Plan in ways that are consistent with the general intent and purpose for the PD-R District and this section. Any modifications to the standards of § 166.09, Fences and Walls, shall be consistent with the general intent and purpose of the PD District, and shall be specified in a Master Fencing Plan included as part of the PD Master Plan.
      (5)   Open space standards. 
         (a)   All development in a PD District shall comply with the standards of § 166.03, Open Space Standards, which shall not be reduced as part of the approval of any PD District.
         (b)   In cases where a PD includes commercial or other nonresidential development, the required percentage of open space set-aside shall be calculated based on the total amount of land used for residential, nonresidential, or mixed-use purposes, respectively.
         (c)   The open space shall be configured, to the maximum extent practicable, to conserve environmentally sensitive lands, protect unique site features and resources (i.e., large trees and significant wooded areas, wildlife habitat, and scenic views), and provide contiguity with other open space, both on- and off-site.
         (d)   Open space set-aside areas contiguous with a public park or other public recreation land shall not include structures within 50 feet of the park or recreation land boundary.
         (e)   The City Council may accept open space set-asides for dedication to the city on a case-by-case basis.
      (6)   Exterior lighting. All development in a PD District shall comply with the exterior lighting standards of § 166.10, Exterior Lighting, unless they are modified in the PD Master Plan in ways that are consistent with the general intent and purpose for the PD District and this section. Any modifications to the standards of § 166.10, Exterior Lighting, shall be specified in a Master Lighting Plan included as part of the PD Master Plan.
      (7)   Design standards. All single- and two-family development in a PD District shall comply with or exceed the standards of § 166.05-03, Single- and Two-Family Design Standards.
      (8)   Signage. Unless otherwise specifically modified by a PD Master Plan, the signage in a PD District shall comply with the standards of § 166.08, Sign Standards. Any modifications to the standards of § 166.08 shall be specified in a Master Sign Plan included as part of the PD Master Plan. The Master Sign Plan shall establish a design theme that is found to be more consistent with the unique characteristics of the site and the scale and character of the surrounding area, as well as a uniform facade and design detail plan for all signs to be used in the development. At a minimum, the Master Sign Plan shall specify colors, materials, aesthetic balance and composition, height, width, area, placement, typeface, and the use of any symbols, designs, or logos.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)