§ 162.02-10 Withdrawal of Application.
   (A)   Submission of application. Any request for withdrawal of an application subject to a public hearing shall be submitted in writing to the Zoning Administrator.
   (B)   Prior to notice of public hearing. The Zoning Administrator shall consider a request for withdrawal if it has been submitted prior to notification of a public hearing pursuant to § 162.02-09, Public Notification. A request for withdrawal shall be approved only for good cause.
   (C)   Subsequent to notice of public hearing. Once notice of a public hearing has occurred pursuant to § 162.02-09, Public Notification, the request for withdrawal of the application shall be placed on the public hearing agenda of the advisory or decision-making body on the date the application is to be considered and acted upon by the review body. The advisory or decision-making body shall approve the request for withdrawal only for good cause.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)