§ 130.01 BAIL.
   (A)   When any person is apprehended by a police officer upon a charge violating any traffic or other law, the enforcement of which by an officer is authorized by a law, the person so being charged upon being served with the official summons issued by the arresting officer, in lieu of being brought before the proper recorder or other judicial officer to enter into a formal recognizance or make direct the deposit of a proper sum of money in lieu of a recognizance or incarceration, may deposit with the apprehending officer a sum of money as bail, not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum fine, but in no case to exceed $200, to be in due course turned over to the judicial officer as money for bail, in lieu of entering into a recognizance for his or her appearance for trial as set in aforesaid summons or being incarcerated by the arresting officer and held for further action by the appropriate judicial officer.
   (B)   A receipt for the sum so deposited shall be given to the person by the arresting officer. Upon receipt of the fixed sum of money, the officer may release the person charged.
(`95 Code, § 9-1-1)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, S.C. Code § 23-6-150