The Laurel Wilt Disease is a devastating disease of Redbay trees caused by a fungus that is vectored by a wood-boring insect, the Redbay ambrosia beetle. The beetle colonizes the sapwood of host trees, causing them to wilt and die. The impact of this disease on mature Redbays has been severe. Populations of these trees have been lost or greatly reduced. There is nothing that has been found or currently on the radar that will eradicate the Laurel Wilt Disease. Some of the experts have determined that moving the trees have spread the disease even more and the best, safest, and most prudent course of action is to let nature take its course. Based on this information, Folly Beach governing body has determined the following to be best course of action.
(Ord. 02-09, passed 2-24-09; Am. Ord. 21-10, passed 9-28-10)