(A)   Where necessary in the opinion of the approving authority, and whenever the total volume of sewage to be discharged by any person in any one day shall exceed the limits set forth above, the person may be required, at no expense to the city, to construct holding or storage tanks in order to equalize the discharge over a 24-hour period. The tanks shall be so equipped as to thoroughly mix the sewage so that its quality shall be uniform when discharged to the public sewers.
   (B)   The control of the volume of discharge of the sewage to the sewer shall be by a waterworks type rate controller or other approved device, the operation and setting of which shall be directed by the approving authority. Notice shall be given the approving authority when normal operations of the person will be interrupted for 24 hours, or longer, and wastes will not be available for discharge.
(`95 Code, § 4-2-23)