(A)   (1)   All services will be metered. Where water meters fail to register, bills shall be arrived at by comparison with the same month of the previous year.
      (2)   When at the request of the customer, or otherwise, water meters have been tested by the city or any other party approved by the city and found to be more than 3% fast, previous bills reflecting the inaccuracy will be adjusted accordingly, but in no case will the adjustment exceed six months prior billing.
   (B)   If a meter is tested at the customer's request more than once in any six month's period, the customer shall pay a service charge of $5 for the service, but in the event the meter is found to be more than 3% fast, then the customer will have his or her bill adjusted as stated above and no service charge will be applied.
(`95 Code, § 4-1-22) (Ord. 82-1, passed 1-5-82)