(A)   The applicant may prepare and submit an application for a driveway permit. The applicant shall submit the following information regarding the driveway:
      (1)   Precise location of the driveway on a site plan submitted as part of the application;
      (2)   Precise location of the driveway staked on the property to identify proposed site;
      (3)   Grade of driveway at intersection;
      (4)   Location of any retaining walls or structures;
      (5)   Location and size of culverts;
      (6)   Erosion control measures; and
      (7)   A timetable for completion of driveway and driveway activities.
   (B)   The Board of Commissioners may require the applicant to obtain a plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the state prior to the construction or modification of any proposed driveway. An engineer’s plan is required:
      (1)   For a driveway, or segment of a driveway, whose construction requires a disturbance of land with a slope of 25%, unless waived by the Board of Commissioners;
      (2)   For a driveway, or segment of a driveway, that requires a retaining wall, or other special erosion control measure as determined by the County Infrastructure Coordinator/Engineer’s office; and/or
      (3)   When the County Infrastructure Coordinator/Engineer’s office requests a plan for reasonable cause associated with public health, safety, or general welfare.
(Ord. 2010-III, passed 2-2-2010)  Penalty, see § 153.99