Construction Site Runoff
   152.001   Title, purpose, and general provisions
   152.002   Recitals
   152.003   Objectives
   152.004   Definitions
   152.005   Authority; right of entry
   152.006   Perimeter Control Plan
   152.007   Acceptance
   152.008   Stormwater quality management permit (SWQMP)
   152.009   Inspection and maintenance
   152.010   Enforcement
   152.011   Compatibility
Stormwater Illicit Discharge Control
   152.025   Jurisdiction
   152.026   Recitals
   152.027   Objectives
   152.028   Definitions
   152.029   Authority; right of entry
   152.030   Illicit discharge
   152.031   Enforcement
   152.032   Compatibility
Post-Construction Stormwater Management
   152.045   Applicability
   152.046   Post-Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
   152.047   Approved Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)
   152.048   BMP design requirements
   152.049   BMP ownership and easements
   152.050   Coordination with regional BMPs
   152.051   Coordination with Master Plans and watershed studies
   152.052   Stormwater quality management permit closure
   152.053   As-built requirements
   152.054   Long-term operation and maintenance
Stormwater Drainage Maintenance
Standards and Control
   152.065   Authority
   152.066   Finding and purpose
   152.067   Applicability
   152.068   Definitions
   152.069   General requirements
   152.070   Inspections
   152.071   Enforcement and remedies
   152.072   Compliance with other laws
   152.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Long-term operation and maintenance agreement