(A)   Permits for connections will not be granted, or may be revoked, when the service pipe passes over or through premises which at the time are, or may become, the property of persons other than the owner of the premises to be supplied from the connections.
   (B)   No water service pipe will be permitted to be laid in a sewer trench or within six feet of the trench.
   (C)   Each consumer shall grant, covey or shall cause to be granted or conveyed to the Town of Florence a permanent license, easement or right-of-way across any property owned or controlled by the consumer wherever the license, easement or right-of-way is necessary to enable the Town of Florence to furnish water to the consumer.
(Prior Code, Ch. 18, Art. II, § 18-67) (Ord. 346-04, passed 6-21-2004)
   For similar sections, see Ch. 51