§ 12-171  DEFINITIONS.
   PEDDLER. Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older, engaged in the business or occupation of selling or offering for sale, goods, wares, merchandise, flowers, foods or beverages, or in the course of traveling from one location to another, on private or public property in the City of Flint.
   RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. Any organization, church, body of communicants, or group not for pecuniary profit, gathered in common membership for mutual support and edification in piety, worship, and religious observances; or any society, not for pecuniary profit, of individuals united for religious purposes at a definite place, or a church- related private school, not for pecuniary profit.
   SOLICITOR or CANVASSER. Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older engaged in the business or occupation of taking orders or attempting to take orders, in the course of traveling from one location to another, on private or public property in the City of Flint, for the sale and purchase of service, goods, wares, merchandise or any tangible property, for future delivery or for services to be performed in the future.
(Ord. 1428, passed 3-17-1958; Ord. 1792, passed 8-17-1964; Ord. 2853, passed 9-27-1982; Ord. 3185, passed 11-11-1991)