(a)   BUILDING CONTRACTOR. Every person, firm, partnership, corporation, association or other organization or any combination thereof, who is engaged in the business of accepting orders or contracts on a cost plus, fixed fee, stated sum, percentage or any combination thereof, or other compensation other than wages for doing work on or in any building or structure requiring the use of stone, brick, mortar, concrete, wood, structural steel or iron, sheet iron, metallic piping, tin, lead, roofing, insulation or any other building material, or for the execution of any building operations on public or private property using building materials or any combination thereof, or for excavating foundations or for the construction of retaining walls, docks, drive piling or the construction in general of structures of any and all descriptions, or for remodeling, repairing or razing any structure, or who shall supervise all or any part of the construction of any of the buildings or structures above described, shall be deemed to be a “building contractor” within the meaning of this ordinance.
   (b)   PERSONS shall mean individual, firm, partnership, association, syndicate, corporation or other form of business organization.
(Ord. 483, passed 3-20-1942)
   Buildings, see Ch. 11
Statutory reference:
   Regulation of residential builders and the like, see MCLA 338.1501 et seq.