It shall also be the duty of the City Council before granting such permission to require the Street Committee thereof to designate the route by or over which any building or other structure shall be moved, and to make such other orders and regulations as in its judgment the safety and the public welfare may require.
(Ord. 43, passed 8-6-1904)
Every person, company or corporation maintaining, owning, controlling or operating any electric line, wires, cables or appliances of any kind for electric lights, power, telephone, telegraph or any purpose whatsoever in the City of Flint, its public streets, alleys and grounds, shall, when ordered by the City Council and notified of such order by the Chief of Police, cause its wires and other appliances to be raised or so arranged as to permit the passage on any such street, lane, alley or public place, of any building or other structure that is being moved from one part of the City to the other, when said removal is authorized by the City Council; provided, however, that in the removal of such buildings, the streets, lanes, alleys or public places shall not be obstructed thereby or the wires or other appliances raised or otherwise arranged to permit the passage of the building shall not be interfered with for any greater length of time than is absolutely necessary to move said building over and across the said streets, lanes or alleys or public places or under said wires so raised or arranged for the passage of the building or other structure.
(Ord. 43, passed 8-6-1904)
Poles and Wires, see Ch. 37
In case the cables or large telephone wires shall not be of the height from the ground required by the ordinance of the City of Flint, the said cable or large wire shall be raised to a sufficient height, the whole of the expense and cost incurred in raising the same shall be borne by the telephone company; provided, that if the cable or larger wires are of the height from the ground provided by the ordinance, and it shall be necessary to raise the same higher in order that buildings may be moved thereunder, it shall be the duty of the telephone company to raise the cables or large wires, when ordered by the City Council, and notified of such order by the Chief of Police, to a sufficient height temporarily to permit a building to be moved thereunder. The cost and expense incurred thereby to be paid by the person owning or moving said building, the amount to be paid therefor by the owner of mover of said building to be fixed and determined by the Street Committee of the City Council in case the telephone company and the owner or mover of said building cannot agree as to said cost and expenses.
In case of any ordinary telephone wire or guy wire is not sufficient height from the ground to admit the moving of a building thereunder, the said telephone company shall, when ordered, by the City Council, and notified of s order by the Chief of Police, raise said telephone wire or guy wire at its own cost and expense, to a sufficient height to allow said building to be moved thereunder.
(Ord. 43, passed 8-6-1904)
The numbering of houses and places shall be in accordance with the system and plan known as the “Philadelphia plan,” and for that purpose the City shall be divided into north and south by the Flint River and east and west by Detroit Street and Saginaw Street South.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)
For the purpose of numbering, all property in the City, except that property on Saginaw Street between Court Street and the south bank of the Flint River, each twenty feet of frontage shall be considered a lot and assigned a number, and whenever the occupancy is not in harmony therewith, the occupancy shall be assigned a number of the lot the greater part of which is included in such occupancy; provided, that whenever a portion of a lot is occupied separately, it shall be numbered the same as the last preceding number, with the fraction “1/2” added. For the purpose of numbering the property on Saginaw Street between Court Street and the south bank of the Flint River, the property shall be divided into ten feet of frontage, and a full number assigned to each such ten feet of frontage, starting with the number 100 in accordance with the plan and blueprint of the Department of Public Works and Utilities filed with the City Clerk.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)
The numbers provided for in this article shall be securely fastened or inscribed in a conspicuous place in front of each building, occupancy or premises, and shall be in plain legible figures, not less than two inches in length.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)
The City may, at the expense of the property owners, procure and fasten up suitable figures so as to complete the numbering of the buildings in the City in accordance with the provisions of this article, and for that purpose its agents, employees or the contractor therefor may go upon the premises of all persons without let or hindrance; provided, that all citizens desiring to do so may procure and fasten up or inscribe such number at their own expense, but the same shall be done under the general plan provided in this article, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Street Committee.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)
Whenever any building, occupancy or premises shall have been numbered as provided in this article, and shall hereafter be without a number or shall have the wrong number affixed or inscribed thereon, or whenever any new building shall be built or any new occupancy commenced in the City, which under the provisions of this article requires a number, it shall be the duty of the owner or occupant thereof to procure and affix or inscribe the proper number thereon at his own expense.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)
Whenever the City Council shall direct any person to number or renumber any building, occupancy or premises under the provisions of this article, the Chief of Police shall notify the owner or occupant to that effect, in writing, and should such owner or occupant refuse or neglect to do so for ten (10) days after service of such notice, he shall be deemed to have violated this article, and each ten (10) days such person shall refuse or neglect so to do after notice of aforesaid, it shall be deemed a new violation thereof and he may be prosecuted separately and the fines and penalties provided in this Code imposed for each such violation.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)
No person shall injure, deface or remove the numbers of any portion thereof on any building, occupancy or premises required by the provisions of this article whether he be the owner or occupant of such building, occupancy or premises, on which the same is placed.
(Ord. 162, passed 8-31-1931)