§ 11-13  BOND.
   Whenever application shall be made to the City Council of the City of Flint for permission to move any building or other structure, it shall be the duty of said City Council, before granting such permission to require the person, firm or corporation so applying to enter into a bond or other obligation running to the City of Flint in such penal sum as said City Council shall prescribe and with one or more sureties to be approved by the City Clerk or Mayor of said city, conditioned that the streets, lanes and alleys and other public places shall not be obstructed thereby for a greater length of time than shall be absolutely necessary to move the said building or other structure; that all streets, lanes and alleys and other public places shall without delay be restored to the same condition as before the passage and moving of any building or other structure; and that he, they or it will fully and fairly compensate the City of Flint for any and all damage done directly or indirectly to the pavements, streets, sidewalks, crosswalks and approaches; and any person, firm or corporation, for any and all damages done directly or indirectly to the tracks, wires, poles, lawns, shade trees or other property of any such person, firm or corporation; and for any and all costs and expenses occasioned to any person, firm or corporation by reason of any of the provisions of this ordinance.
(Ord. 43, passed 8-6-1904)