As used in this section, the term:
(A) “HABITUAL” shall mean consistent, that is, by frequent practice or use, but not necessarily constant or exclusive;
(B) “PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE” shall mean a retail establishment selling distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages in package containers pursuant to licenses issued for those purposes;
(C) “PUBLIC NUISANCE” shall mean any activity that endangers or interferes with the general use and enjoyment of neighboring property, passersby or the health, safety and welfare of the public; and
(D) “VACANT PROPERTY” shall mean a vacant lot on which no building or other structure exists or property on which any structure is unoccupied or unused, or which otherwise reflects abandonment by the owner or person with the right of occupancy.
(Ord. 12-20-21, passed 12-17-20)
All retail licensees (herein after referred to as “licensee”) operating within the city who sell malt beverages in kegs for consumption off the premises of the licensee shall attach a numbered identification tag or other device as provided by the city to each keg at the time of sale and shall require the purchaser to complete and sign a keg registration form for the keg stating the following.
(A) The purchaser is of legal age to purchase, possess and use the malt beverage;
(B) The purchaser is not purchasing the keg for resale and will not allow any person under the age of twenty-one (21) to consume the malt beverage;
(C) The purchaser will not remove, obliterate or allow to be removed or obliterated the identification tag;
(D) The purchaser will state the property address where the keg will be consumed and physically located; and
(E) The purchaser is aware of his or her duty to maintain a copy of the keg registration form visible and readily accessible from the location of the keg.
(Ord. 12-20-21, passed 12-17-20)
(A) The licensee shall obtain the name, address and telephone number of the purchaser and shall require the purchaser to produce a valid driver’s license number and, if that is not available, to produce at least one other valid form of identification.
(B) The licensee shall retain copies of the keg registration forms for a period of one year and shall make the keg registration form available for inspection by state and local alcoholic beverage control officers and other enforcement officers.
(C) The keg registration form shall be forwarded to the Local Administrator within five (5) working days in all situations when the keg is not returned or is returned with the identification tag removed or obliterated.
(D) The Local Administrator is authorized to develop appropriate rules and regulations and to develop and make available forms for the identification tags and keg registration forms.
(E) All licensees that sell or offer for sale kegs shall post on the licensed premises a notice provided by the city concerning the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 12-20-21, passed 12-17-20)
It shall be unlawful for any licensee to sell or offer for sale kegs without the identification tags attached and the keg registration form completed. It shall also be unlawful for any person to remove or to obliterate the identification tag or to fail to have the declaration form visible and readily accessible from the location of the keg. The penalties for violation of this section shall be the penalties as set out in § 115.999(B)(2). In addition, licensees violating this section shall be subject to appropriate alcoholic beverage control administrative remedies.
(Ord. 12-20-21, passed 12-17-20)
(A) All persons employed in the selling and serving of alcoholic beverages shall complete a server training course provided by the Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, including any person(s) authorized to sell or serve alcoholic beverages under a caterer’s license.
(B) All persons required to complete training under division (A) above shall complete that training within thirty (30) days of the date on which the person first becomes subject to the training requirement. When a new business is licensed to serve alcoholic beverages, all employees must be trained prior to the opening of the business.
(C) Each licensee shall be responsible for compliance with the training requirements and shall maintain for inspection by the Local ABC Administrator a record or file on each employee that shall contain the pertinent training information. Each premise licensed hereunder must at all times when alcoholic beverages are being served have at least one person currently certified in responsible beverage service training on duty.
(D) All persons completing the training required by this section shall be recertified in a responsible beverage server training course provided by the Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control not less than once every three (3) years thereafter.
(Ord. 12-20-21, passed 12-17-20)