§ 91.20 OFFICERS.
   (A)   The Department shall consist of the Chief, one Assistant Chief and other officers as the Chief and membership may deem necessary for the effective operation of the Department.
   (B)   The membership shall elect the Chief for a period of time; tenure of office shall depend upon the Chief’s good conduct and efficiency. The Chief shall be technically qualified by training and experience and shall have ability to command men and women and hold their respect and confidence. The Chief shall be removed only for just cause and after a public hearing before the membership.
   (C)   The Chief shall be held accountable to the City Council only and shall make written and verbal reports thereto as this subchapter may require. All other Department and company officers shall be accountable to the Chief only.
   (D)   The Assistant Chief and the membership shall elect all other department and company officers. Such officers shall be accountable only to the Chief and subject to removal by him or her along with the majority vote of the membership present and voting.
(Prior Code, § 4.2.1)