(A)   The village will provide the connection to the main, furnish, and install the service pipe to the extent provided for in § 51.06 to the foundation wall at the building. The owner shall provide the opening into the foundation wall for pipe. The village will then run service pipe through the wall and furnish and install the meter.
   (B)   The owner shall seal opening in wall. The connection from the main to the curb stop shall be placed at least four feet below the level of the ground and the service pipe shall be laid sufficiently waving so that it shall be at least one foot longer than if laid in a straight line and shall be placed in such manner as to prevent rupture or breakage from settling of the ground. All service pipe shall be Type K Copper Tubing or Polybutylene or Polyethylene Tubing Joints in Polybutylene and Polyethylene shall be made with an insert fitting using series 300 stainless steel clamps or compression flared brass clamps. PBD and PE Tubing shall have 160 psi rating at 73.4°F and shall conform to the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation. All service pipe shall be not less than three-fourths inch nominal diameter.
   (C)   No person whether owner or occupant in possession or control of any building, structure, or premises into which water is supplied through the village waterworks system shall be allowed without written permission from the Village Board to supply other persons or families or to supply water from the building or premises to any other building structure or premises. The supply of water to a building, structure, or premises of any person who violated any of the foregoing provisions of this section, shall be shut off and stopped forthwith, and the water shall not again be turned on to such building, structure, premises from which it was cut off until there shall have been paid to said village such sum of money as the Village Board shall deem properly due the village.
   (D)   If after the water supply shall have been turned on to any building, structure, or premises, it shall be found by any officer or employee of the said village that fraudulent representations have been made by the applicant for such water supply or what water is being used in or upon such building, structure, or premises for purposes not set forth in the application made for such water supply or that there is willful and unreasonable use or waste of water, the Superintendent or such employee of the village as he or she shall designate, shall have the authority, and it shall be his or her duty to cut off and stop the supply of water to such building, structure, or premises forthwith, and the water shall not be turned on to such building, structure, or premises until the person or persons responsible for such fraudulent representation or for such use of water or willful or unreasonable waste thereof, shall pay the village such additional sum of money for such water supply or on account of such unreasonable waste of water as the Board shall find properly to be due the village.
   (E)   Each water service pipe shall be connected with said water main and shall extend horizontally at right angles with said water meter to a point at least 20 feet from the centerline of the street, and shall there be provided with a bronze curb stop of not less than three-fourths inch in diameter to be installed within a telescopic shut-off box of the best quality of cast iron or first grade steel pipe.
   (F)   The water main must be tapped at an angle of 45 degrees with the vertical, and the corporation stop must be turned so that the handle will be on top.
(Ord. passed 1-16-1979)