(A)   Industrial cost recovery required.
      (1)   Each industrial user shall pay the portion of any state grant which has been obtained by the village for the financing of the construction of wastewater treatment works allocable to the treatment of the wastewater from such user. Such user’s share shall not include an interest component.
      (2)   Each year during the industrial cost recovery period, each industrial user of the treatment works shall pay the cost recovery amount determined by divisions (B) or (C) below for such industry, divided by the recovery period.
      (3)   Where an industry is connected to a public sewer after the startup of the facilities constructed under a state grant, such industry shall only pay its portion of the state grant for each quarter remaining in the recovery period. Such industry will not be required to pay for those quarters of the recovery period prior to connection to a public sewer.
   (B)   Industrial cost recovery charge. The charge for industrial cost recovery shall be based on a charge per unit volume of normal strength process flow. Normal strength flow shall be waste strength less than or equal to 200 mg/l BOD and 250 mg/l suspended solids. The industrial cost recovery charge will be computed as follows:
      (1)   Estimate the state grant amount allocable to those treatment units used to process dry weather sewage flow (which includes industrial waste flows);
      (2)   Divide the allocable state grant amount by the industrial cost recovery period;
      (3)   Determine the average annual design flow volume by multiplying the daily design flow average of 128,000 gallons a day by 365 days a year (the result is 46.7 million gallons per year);
      (4)   Divide the annual allocable grant amount determined in division (B)(2) above by the average annual design flow volume of 46.7 million gallons; and
      (5)   The resulting charge of $0.26 per 1,000 gallons will be charged all industrial users having a process waste flow.
   (C)   Total charge to an industrial user.
      (1)   The total industrial cost recovery charge for each billing period shall be determined by multiplying a user’s industrial process flow volume discharged during the billing period by $0.26 per 1,000 gallons.
      (2)   Industrial process flow volume shall be determined by measurement or estimation of all water flow through industrial plant processes. In absence of meter readings, process flow shall be estimated by using the following formula:
         (a)   PF = TWF - DF - CF, where:
            1.   PF is the process flow for the billing period;
            2.   TWF is the total water flow for billing period from meter reading, plus estimates of flows from private wells, if any;
            3.   DF is the domestic flow from employees estimated by multiplying the average number of man-shifts worked for the billing period by an allowance of 25 gallons per man-shift worked; and
            4.   CF is the flow consumed or otherwise not returned to the sewer.
         (b)   If, in the opinion of the Village Clerk, the village’s interest would be served by making the above estimation on an annual basis, then the Clerk may elect to negotiate with each industry a percentage of the total water flow to estimate process flows each billing period.
   (D)   Length of industrial cost recovery period. The industrial cost recovery period shall be equal to the useful life of the treatment works, which shall be 30 years from 1978, not to exceed 30 years.
   (E)   Payments and billing for industrial cost recovery period. Industrial cost recovery charges to industrial users shall be included with the regular billing for sewer use charges as specified in this section.
   (F)   Adjustment of charge due to introduction of high strength industrial waste discharges. If, at any time, during the industrial cost recovery period an industry begins discharging wastes with strengths greater than 200 mg/l BOD and 250 mg/l suspended solids, a study shall be made under the direction of the Village Board to revise the industrial cost recovery charge to include a high waste strength surcharge as well as a process flow volume charge. The revised charge factors shall be applied to process flow volume and measured waste strength quantities in excess of normal.
   (G)   Adjustment of charge due to plant improvement utilizing state grant funds. If there is an expansion or upgrading of the treatment works utilizing a State grant, each existing industrial user’s share shall be adjusted accordingly.
   (H)   No charge for unused or unreserved capacity. An industrial user’s portion of any state grant shall not include any portion of the grant amount allocable to unused or reserved capacity.
   (I)   Commitment for increased use. An industrial user’s portion of any state grant shall include allowance for the cost of any firm commitment to the village for any increased use by such user.
   (J)   Payment to the state required. The village shall retain 50% of the amounts recovered from industrial users. The remainder, together with any interest earned thereon, shall be returned to the State Anti-Pollution Fund on an annual basis.
   (K)   Disposition of retained amounts.
      (1)   Eighty percent of the retained amounts, together with interest earned thereon, shall be used solely for the eligible costs of the expansion or reconstruct: of treatment works associated with the project and necessary to meet the requirements of the federal Act and the state.
      (2)   The village, prior to commitment of the retained amounts, shall obtain written approval of the State Environmental Protection Agency for an expansion or reconstruction. The remainder of the retained amount may be used for such expenditures as the village deems appropriate.
   (L)   Investment of retained amounts required. Pending use, the grantee shall invest the retained amounts for reconstruction and expansion in:
      (1)   Obligations of the U.S. Government;
      (2)   Obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof; or
      (3)   Shall deposit such amounts in accounts fully collateralized by obligations of the U.S. Government or by obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the U.S. Government, or any agency thereof.
   (M)   Village Clerk’s responsibility. The Village Clerk shall maintain the necessary records for determination of user share of the cost, and shall provide the billing and collection services as required by 51.17(A).
   (N)   Village Treasurer’s responsibility. The Village Treasurer shall be responsible for the investment and expenditure of all moneys collected for industrial cost recovery.
   (O)   Monitoring required. The Sewage Plant Superintendent shall maintain a program of monitoring industrial user discharges as the Village Board deems necessary, provided that any major contributing industry shall be monitored no less than 12 times annually.
(Ord. passed 1-16-1979)