(A)   Waterworks and Sewerage Department. The combined waterworks and sewerage system in the village shall be maintained and operated as a separate department and hereafter in this title shall be referred to as the Department.
   (B)   Charges, rates. A charge shall be made to the residents of said village which shall be reasonable for the use and service of such waterworks and sewerage system as may be determined from time to time by ordinance adopted by said village.
   (C)   Superintendent; duties. There shall be a Superintendent of the Waterworks and Sewerage Department to be appointed by the Village Board. The appointed Superintendent shall have supervision over all buildings, sewers, manholes, mains, treatment works, wells, appurtenances, and equipment used in the furnishing of waterworks and sewerage service in the village, and shall see that the objectives and purposes of the Waterworks and Sewerage Department are carried out, and that the waterworks and sewerage system is conducted on an economical businesslike basis, and for this purpose, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent and all of the officers, employees, and servants of said Department to enforce all of the provisions of this title and to observe and obey, and carry out, the orders and directions of the Village Board. The Superintendent shall prepare and keep at the Village Hall a complete atlas of the waterworks and sewerage system, with all connections and other appurtenances distinctly recorded therein.
   (D)   Compensation. The Superintendent, and other officers and employees of the Waterworks and Sewerage Department, shall receive as compensation for their services amounts to be fixed by the Village Board from time to time.
   (E)   Monthly report. The Superintendent shall, not later than the first Tuesday of every month or oftener if required, submit a report in writing to the Water and Sewer Trustee of the Village Board, listing therein, but is not limited to, the following data:
      (1)   Applications for service to be approved by the Village Board;
      (2)   The number of metered and unmetered customers connected to the system at the beginning and the end of the period;
      (3)   The sale of water at plant (automatic salesperson); and
      (4)   Details of any major repairs and extensions to the system or other facts pertinent to his or her duties in the conduct of his or her office.
   (F)   Books of account. The Village Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept full and complete books of accounts separate and apart from any other records of his or her office showing in detail all monies received by him or her for the Waterworks and Sewerage Department with dates and sources. He or she shall also keep such other books relating to the Waterworks and Sewerage Department as the Village Board may from time to time direct.
   (G)   Read meters, bill for services, and the like. The Superintendent or such officer or employees of the Waterworks and Sewerage Department, as the Village Board shall direct, shall read water meters of said village, take water and sewer applications, and shall perform such other duties as now are or may hereafter be imposed upon him or her by law or the ordinances of the village.
   (H)   Applications; connections, and the like.
      (1)   Any person desiring to make any connection with said waterworks and sewerage system or plant, or have the use thereof, shall first make application to the Superintendent upon a blank form or forms furnished by said Department. Said application shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant that all the rules, regulations, conditions, and provisions of any ordinance relating to the waterworks and sewerage system will be complied with, and that all water and sewerage rates, assessments, and rents and all fines and penalties assessed, charged, or imposed against said applicant upon the property described in said application will be paid. When the applicant hereunder has complied with all of the provisions of the ordinances of the village, and the Superintendent has approved the application, a written permit shall then be issued by the Superintendent authorizing the connection to be made, and specifying the size thereof.
      (2)   No building sewer shall be laid or used to serve more than one distinct premises or building.
      (3)   No building water service shall be laid or used to serve more than one distinct premises or building.
(Ord. passed 1-16-1979) Penalty, see § 50.99