Rules of Operation
71.01 Intersections; stop, yield and signalized
71.02 One-way streets and alleys
71.03 Turning movements
71.04 Limitation on backing
71.05 Parades and processions
71.06 Driving through parade or other procession
Speed Regulations
71.15 State law applicable
71.16 Establishment of speed limits on certain streets
71.17 Construction zone speed limits
71.18 School zones
71.19 Residential or neighborhood streets
71.20 Use of toy vehicles
71.30 Running, jogging or walking on roadway
Operation of Motor Vehicles and Bicycles in Roadways, Multi-use Paths, Sidewalks and Bicycle Lanes
71.40 Definitions
71.41 Motor vehicle responsibilities
71.99 Penalty
Cross reference:
Bicycles, see Ch. 73