   An applicant who feels aggrieved by the action of the City Administrator in denying an application for a permit, or who feels aggrieved by the conditions imposed in connection with a permit, shall have the right to appeal the action of the City Administrator to the Council upon filing with the City Administrator a written notice of his or her intent to thus appeal. The City Administrator shall refer the notice to the Council and the Council shall, thereupon, within a period of no longer than 30 days thereafter, set a time for and hold a hearing upon the appeal at a regular Council meeting. Thereafter, the Council shall, within 30 days, decide the matter and serve a copy of its decision upon the applicant by certified mail.
(2002 Code, § 7.97) (Ord. 54, Third Series, effective 8-5-1981)
§ 154.257 INSPECTIONS.
   Routine inspections and evaluations of sites shall be made by the Building Inspector in a frequency as to ensure consistent compliance with the terms of this subchapter. The permittee shall be provided with written and documented notice of any deficiencies, recommendations for their correction and the date when the corrections shall be accomplished. The permittee shall allow free access to the Building Inspector or designated representative for the purpose of making inspections.
(2002 Code, § 7.97) (Ord. 54, Third Series, effective 8-5-1981)
   All applications for a permit shall be accompanied by a permit application fee as set from time to time by the City Council.
(2002 Code, § 7.97) (Ord. 54, Third Series, effective 8-5-1981)
§ 154.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Any person who violates, fails to comply with or assists, directs or permits the violation of a provision of this chapter or who knowingly makes or submits a false statement or document in connection with an application or procedure required by this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate offense.
   (C)   Enforcement of §§ 154.115 through 154.121 of this chapter shall be done in accordance with process and procedures established in this chapter and in accordance with §§ 10.99 and 151.999 of this code of ordinances. Violation of §§ 154.115 through 154.121 of this chapter is a misdemeanor.
(2002 Code, § 7.43)
   (D)   The owner or agent of the owner of land who conveys a lot or parcel in violation of §§ 154.215 through 154.236 of this chapter shall pay to the city a penalty of not less than an amount set by the City Council from time to time for each lot or parcel so conveyed, and the city may enjoin the conveyance or may recover the penalty by a civil action.
(2002 Code, § 7.71)
(Ord. 325, effective 12-11-1965; Ord. 156, Second Series, effective 1-1-1979; Ord. 6, Third Series, effective 7-1-1979; Ord. 117, Third Series, effective 4-10-1985; Ord. 83, Sixth Series, effective 3-30-2008; Ord. 85, Sixth Series, effective 7-30-2008; Ord. 32, Seventh Series, effective 8-8-2015; Ord. 87, Seventh Series, passed 10-21-2019)