It is unlawful for any designated offender to establish residence or otherwise reside within one thousand five hundred feet (1,500') of any of the following uses (hereinafter referred as "protected zones"):
A public place of worship that is maintained and controlled by a religious organization/body and at which regular educational programs are provided (e.g., Sunday school).
Adult establishment (sexually oriented) businesses.
Licensed child care center (excluding in-home daycare providers).
Public park or playground.
School for pre-K through Grade 12, public or private.
For purposes of determining the minimum distance separation, the requirement shall be measured by following a horizontal line from any property line of the lot or parcel on which the subject residence is located to the nearest property line of subject use of a prohibited zone identified above.
The Police Chief shall maintain an official map showing approximate locations in which a designated offender is prohibited to reside, as defined by this chapter. The Police Chief shall update the map at least annually to reflect any changes in the location of prohibited zones. The actual measurement of minimum distance separation between the residence and the use within the prohibited zone shall govern. (Ord. 017-726, 6-5-2017)