(A)   Within ten days of a structure becoming vacant, as defined herein, the owner of the structure shall apply for a Vacant Structure Registration Certificate and pay a fee of $200. If the structure is still vacant at the time of expiration of the original Vacant Structure Registration Certificate (six months as defined below), the owner shall immediately apply to renew the certificate. At the city’s sole discretion, renewal may be had upon demonstrated need for a maximum of two six- month periods, for an aggregate maximum of 18 months total vacancy registration. Renewed permits shall be subject to all conditions and obligations imposed by this chapter on the initial certificate, including the payment of a $250 fee at the first renewal and a fee of $300 at the second renewal. It shall be the responsibility of the registered owner to file an amended registration within ten days of any changes contained in the initial application, including occupancy or transfer. During the period of registration, the owner shall provide access to the city to conduct inspections of the structure, both interior and exterior if deemed necessary by the city, and, following reasonable notice, to determine compliance with this chapter and any other relevant codes and ordinances of the city.
   (B)   The owner of a vacant structure shall comply with all regulations of the city. To this end, the owner shall apply for all applicable building, fire prevention and zoning permits necessary to bring the structure into compliance within ten days of obtaining a Vacant Structure Registration Certificate.
   (C)   The owner of a vacant structure shall, within ten days of receipt of the Vacant Structure Registration Certificate, complete the removal of all:
      (1)   Combustible materials from the structure in compliance with the applicable fire prevention regulations;
      (2)   Waste, rubbish or debris from the interior of the structure; and
      (3)   Waste, rubbish, debris or excess vegetation including grass in excess of eight inches from the yards surrounding the vacant structure in accordance with the city's ordinances.
   (D)   The owner of a vacant structure shall immediately lock, barricade or secure all doors, windows and other openings in the structure to prevent entry by unauthorized persons, in accordance with the vacant structure maintenance standards of this chapter. The owner shall, as needed, provide additional security in the event of increased danger to human life or the public welfare, as determined by the city.
   (E)   The obligations of the owner of a vacant structure are continuing obligations which are effective throughout the time that the structure is vacant as that term is defined in this chapter.
(Ord. 1077, passed 11-15-21; Am. Ord. 1086, passed 6-6-22)