(A) Training.
(1) The city recognizes that attendance at and participation in seminars or conferences is a valuable tool for updating an employee's job knowledge, skills and abilities. Requests by employees to attend seminars, conferences, workshops, conventions and the like should be submitted through their supervisor for review and approval by the respective department head subject to budgetary and scheduling parameters.
(2) Employees attending a conference, meeting, class, seminar, convention or similar occasion as a representative of the city are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Any improper conduct will be treated as if it occurred during regular working hours and the employee may be subject to disciplinary action for such improper conduct, up to and including termination of employment.
(B) Travel.
(1) TRAVEL is defined as “any expenditure directly incident to official travel by employees and officers of the city involving reimbursement to travelers or direct payment to private agencies providing transportation or related services.”
(2) No reimbursement of travel, meal or lodging expenses incurred by a city employee or officer shall be authorized unless the “Travel, Meal and Lodging Expense Reimbursement Request Form” has been submitted and approved. All documents and information submitted with the form shall be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (ILCS Ch. 5, Act 140, §§ 1 et seq.).
(3) The cost of travel and related expenses for attendance at conferences and seminars shall be reimbursed pursuant to § 32.073.
(Ord. 1061, passed 4-5-21; Am. Ord. 1099, passed 2-6-23)