(A) The City of Farmer City is a drug and alcohol-free workplace. The city recognizes that substances such as alcohol or illegal drugs can severely impair an individual's physical and mental capabilities. When an employee consumes these substances and they are impaired during the performance of their job, they pose a major health and safety risk to themselves, other employees, and members of the public. Therefore, the city deems all of its properties and work areas drug and alcohol-free zones unless during appropriately sanctioned events.
(B) The city prohibits the following:
(1) The consumption, possession (unless in accordance with duty requirements), or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time during the workday or anywhere on city premises or job sites, including all city buildings, properties, and vehicles, or while engaged in city business.
(2) Selling, purchasing, or delivering any drugs during the workday or on any city properties.
(3) Using prescribed or over-the-counter medications, where such medications may interfere with job performance or pose a safety risk to the employee or others (unless first reporting to a supervisor that the medication is being used).
(C) In order to support its goal of a drug and alcohol-free workplace, the city has implemented a drug and alcohol testing program intended to help reduce accidents and casualties, to help discourage substance abuse, and to help reduce absenteeism, health care costs, and other drug and alcohol related problems. This program is also designed to enhance the safety and health of the employees, while also increasing employee morale and productivity and commitment to the public.
(D) The city may conduct drug and alcohol screenings for the following reasons:
(1) As a condition of pre-employment.
(2) At random times.
(3) As a requirement following an accident if the accident or citation occurred during working hours.
(4) As a matter of reasonable suspicion if an employee is believed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of the workday.
(E) Positive tests may lead to suspension or discharge from employment based on the severity of the circumstances surrounding the reason for testing and the test results.
(F) The intent of this policy is to offer a helping hand to those who need it, while sending a clear message that the illegal drug use and alcohol abuse are incompatible with employment at the city.
(Ord. 1061, passed 4-5-21)