§ 152.36 STREETS.
   (A)   A public street or streets shall be provided to afford convenient access to all property within the subdivision. No private street, right-of-way or thoroughfare shall be permitted.
   (B)   The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall be considered in relation to existing and planned streets; reasonable circulation of traffic within the development; topographical conditions; run-off of storm water; public convenience and safety; and in their appropriate relationship to uses in the area to be served.
   (C)   Minor streets shall be so aligned that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged.
   (D)   Where, in the opinion of the City Administrator, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, the proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of that property.
   (E)   The width of the right-of-way on any classification of street shall be 54 feet with the placement of curb lines to provide a minimum width of traveled way of 34 feet, except those streets as may be deemed to be main thoroughfares, which streets may have a greater dedicated width and/or traveled way.
   (F)   Dead end streets, designed to be so permanently, shall be provided at the closed end with a turn-around having an outside roadway diameter of at least 80 feet, and a street property line diameter of at least 100 feet. These dead end streets shall have a maximum length to be determined by the City Engineer for each proposed subdivision at the time it is submitted for preliminary approval. Dead end streets shall be avoided where practical and none will be permitted where they may interfere with the plan of orderly and efficient flow of traffic within the city.
   (G)   Curves in streets shall be permitted provided a curve is inserted with a minimum radius of 300 feet for major streets and a minimum of 150 feet for minor streets for all deflections in horizontal center lines in excess of ten degrees.
   (H)   When any subdivision or part of a subdivision is adjacent to only one side of an existing right-of-way, which is less than the required width, the subdivider shall dedicate additional right-of-way to meet the requirement in accordance with this chapter.
   (I)   Drainage gradients of streets shall be no less than 0.5% in any case. Street grades shall not exceed 5% on major streets nor 7% on minor streets. Street grades shall be such as to provide natural surface drainage of storm water regardless of the presence of storm sewer facilities. The intent of this requirement is to avoid depressions greater than one foot in depth along any given street profile which will flood in flash storms for which available drainage is inadequate.
   (J)   Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. A proposed intersection of two new streets at an angle of less than 85 degrees shall not be approved. The intersection of more than two streets shall be prohibited.
   (K)   Proposed new intersection along one side of an existing road or street shall, wherever practical, coincide with any existing intersections on the opposite side of that road or street. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet shall not be permitted, except where the intersected street has separate dual drives without median breaks at either intersection.
   (L)   Where any street intersection will involve banks or existing vegetation inside any lot corner that would create a traffic hazard of limiting visibility, the developer shall cut ground and/or vegetation, including trees, in connection with the grading of the public right-of-way to the extent deemed necessary to provide adequate sight distance.
   (M)   The developer shall install standard street name signs at all intersections created by the subdivision. In no case shall the name for proposed
streets duplicate existing streets, road, boulevard, drive, place or court or an abbreviation thereof. Street names shall be approved by the City Council.
   (N)   Street numbering system shall conform to standards approved by the City Council.
   (O)   At least one street light shall be placed at each street intersection within or abutting the subdivision, with a maximum of 500 feet between lights. Light standards shall be as approved by the City Council, the City Engineer and the local utility company.
   (P)   The developer is required to furnish easements for utilities and for franchised cable television. These easements shall have a minimum width of ten feet. All utility lines for telephone, electric and cable television service shall be placed in rear-line easements when carried on overhead poles. When telephone, electric, gas and cable television service lines are placed within easements or dedicated public ways, they shall be placed in a manner which will not conflict with other underground services. Further, above ground structures identified with those underground facilities shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public. All drainage and utilities installations which transverse privately-owned property shall be protected by easements.
   (Q)   The costs of installation of all utilities required by state standards shall be borne by the developer.
   (R)   Concrete sidewalks shall be provided by the developer along side streets of all subdivisions unless the Council shall determine, by resolution, that those sidewalks are not feasible. All sidewalks shall be four feet in width a minimum thickness of four inches. All sidewalks shall be installed at an elevation three inches higher than the top of the curb immediately adjacent to the sidewalk and slope at 1/4 inch per foot towards the curb. Upon the completion and sale of 75% of a subdivision block, sidewalks must be installed for that block.
   (S)   All materials and methods of construction of pavement, storm sewers, curbs and gutters, sidewalks and appurtenances shall be in accordance with the latest “Illinois Department of Transportation — Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction”, as amended or revised.
   (T)   The full width of the public right- of-way shall be graded, including the subgrade of the areas to be paved. The difference in ground elevation between the setback line and the top of the curb immediately adjacent to the setback line shall not exceed two feet.
   (U)   The street base shall have a minimum thickness of eight inches when thoroughly compacted. This base shall be constructed with Aggregate Base Course Type B (CA-6).
   (V)   The street surface shall have a minimum thickness of two inches of Bituminous Mixture Complete (I-11).
   (W)   Streets shall have combination concrete curb and gutter, type M6-12 or approved equivalent as designated in the “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.”
(Ord. 567, passed 10-15-90)