(A)   The City Clerk shall cause the subdivision control regulations to be printed or put in book or pamphlet form.
   (B)   A number of copies of the subdivision control regulations as so printed or published shall be left at a bank, library and the city hall where they may be picked up by members of the public, with such number left at each location as to be determined by the City Administrator.
   (C)   Any person shall be entitled to receive a copy of the subdivision regulations upon payment to the city the sum of $5, with that payment to be made through the bonded members of city hall.
   (D)   However, any official, agent or employee of this city having use of a copy or copies of the subdivision control regulations in connection with work on behalf of this city shall be entitled to such copy or copies without charge.
   (E)   Copies of the subdivision control regulations shall be furnished without charge for use by the judges of the judicial circuit of Illinois, DeWitt County, and, upon request, for use by the judges of other courts. One or more copies of the subdivision control regulations shall be furnished for the DeWitt County law library.
(Ord. 567, passed 10-15-90)