§ 152.03 PURPOSE.
   The purposes of §§ 152.20 through 152.53 and § 152.98 are:
   (A)   To protect and enhance the area under the jurisdiction of the city as a decent and enjoyable place in which to live.
   (B)   To prevent the depreciation in value of real property in the area under the jurisdiction of this city.
   (C)   To secure the orderly development of the area under the jurisdiction of this city.
   (D)   To insure development of the area under the jurisdiction of this city in accordance with the purposes and provisions of any comprehensive plan adopted by this city.
   (E)   To aid in providing for adequate facilities for streets, sewers, water, access to sunlight, services and public use for residents of the area under the jurisdiction of this city.
   (F)   To establish procedures for approving plats of subdivision of multi-unit structures for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of having therein ownership of individual units by different owners.
   (G)   To establish reasonable rules and regulations with respect to street drainage and surfacing.
   (H)   To establish reasonable requirements with respect to water supply and sewage collection and treatment.
   (I)   To establish reasonable rules and regulations governing the location, width and course of streets, alleys, utility easements and storm or flood water runoff channels and basins.
   (J)   To endeavor to secure the taxpayers in the area under the jurisdiction of this city from financial loss caused by inadequate subdivision development.
   (K)   To, generally, promote the public health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the citizens of this city.
(Ord. 567, passed 10-15-90)