(A)   An ordinance may be enacted at a single meeting of the City Council by unanimous vote of all Councilmembers, upon being read by title only unless otherwise provided by statute. If a request is made by any Councilmember for the ordinance to be read in full, the ordinance shall be read fully and distinctly prior to vote on the ordinance. No ordinance may be considered for approval in a single meeting, upon reading by title only, unless at least three days before the reading a copy of the ordinance was provided for each Councilmember and three copies of the ordinance were available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk, and notice of the availability of the ordinance was posted at city hall.
   (B)   If, after first reading of the ordinance in full or by title, the Council does not unanimously approve adoption of the ordinance, the ordinance shall be brought back to the Council for a second reading at the next regular Council meeting. The second reading may be by title only, unless a Councilmember requests that the ordinance be read in full and a majority of the Council concurs that the ordinance should be read in full. Adoption of an ordinance after second reading requires the express concurrence of a majority of the members of the Council. If an ordinance fails to receive a majority approval on first reading, it may be brought back to the Council only if a majority of the City Council agrees to consider its possible adoption.
   (C)   An ordinance read by title only has no legal effect if it differs substantially from its terms as it was filed prior to the reading unless each section so differing is read fully and distinctly in open Council meeting before the Council adopts the ordinance.
   (D)   Upon the adoption of an ordinance, the ayes and nays of the Councilmembers shall be entered in the record of the Council proceedings.
   (E)   After adoption of an ordinance, the City Clerk shall endorse it with the date of adoption and the endorser’s name and title of office. The Mayor shall also sign the ordinance and include thereon the date of signing and the title of office.
(Ord. 568a, passed 3-18-91; Am. Ord. passed 11- 15-93)