   40.01   Definitions
   40.02   Creation and membership
   40.03   Powers
   40.04   Appointment of members; term of office; removal from office; oath; and compensation
   40.05   Organization of the Board; quorum
   40.06   Conflict of interest
   40.07   Jurisdiction
   40.08   Powers of the Code Enforcement Board
   40.09   Enforcement proceedings
   40.10   Hearing, notice and final order
   40.11   Legal counsel
   40.12   Appeals; final judgment
   40.13   Ordinance fine schedule
   40.14   Lien; fines; charges and fees
   40.15   Lienholder notification system
   40.16 Property to be sold; court proceedings
   40.20 Immediate action
   For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD” or “BOARD.” An administrative body created and acting under the authority of the Local Government Code Enforcement Board Act and/or the Local Government Nuisance Code Enforcement Act.
   “CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.” A city police officer, civilian code enforcement officer, safety officer, citation officer or other public law enforcement officer with the authority to issue a citation.
(Ord. 94.05-2013, passed 12-10-13; Am. Ord. 2015-94.07, passed 10-13-15)
   There is hereby created pursuant to KRS 65.8801 to KRS 65.8839 within the City of Falmouth, a Code Enforcement Board which shall be composed of three members, all of whom shall be residents of the city for a period of at least one year prior to their appointment to the Board and shall reside there throughout the term in office.
(Ord. 94.05-2013, passed 12-10-13; Am. Ord. 2015-94.07, passed 10-13-15)
§ 40.03 POWERS.
   (A)   The Code Enforcement Board shall have the power to issue remedial orders and impose civil fines as a method of enforcing city ordinances when a violation of the ordinance has been classified as a civil offence, including violations of the city’s Nuisance Code.
   (B)   The Code Enforcement Board shall not have authority to enforce any ordinance the violation of which constitutes an offense under any provision of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, including specifically, any provision of the Kentucky Penal Code and any moving motor vehicle offense.
(Ord. 94.05-2013, passed 12-10-13; Am. Ord. 2015-94.07, passed 10-13-15)