(A) No person shall create, commit, maintain, or permit to be created, committed, or maintained any nuisance as defined herein, within the boundaries and jurisdiction limits of the city.
(B) The following specific acts, conditions, and things are, each and all of them, hereby declared to constitute nuisances:
(1) Depositing, maintaining, or permitting to be maintained or to accumulate upon any public or private property, any household wastewater, sewage, garbage, refuse, rubbish, offal, excrement, decaying fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, bones, any fowl, putrid, or obnoxious liquid substance, putrescible and non-putrescible animal or vegetable wastes or solid wastes, or any other waste material which constitutes or tends to create a danger to public health, safety, and welfare;
(2) The accumulation of manure, garbage, or anything whatever which are breeding areas for flies, mosquitoes, and rodents;
(3) Permitting weeds or grass to grow to maturity on any private property including, but not limited to, Canada thistle, sunflowers, ragweed, cockleburr, burdock, black mustard, sweet clover, and bull thistle. Also, allowing the dense growth of any vegetation including brush or grass, without proper trimming or mowing, which may constitute a health, safety, or fire hazard;
(4) For the owner of a dead animal to permit it to remain undisposed of longer than 24 hours after its death;
(5) Any excavation, trench, or open basement in which stagnant water is permitted to collect or which may jeopardize the life, limb, or safety of the general public;
(6) Throwing or letting fall on or permitting to remain on any street, alley, or public ground any manure, garbage, rubbish, filth, fuel, or wood while engaged in handling or removing any such substance;
(7) Permitting motor vehicles, motor vehicle bodies, and disassembled parts thereof, disassembled bicycles and bicycle parts and other mechanical machines or motors or parts thereof when such items are stored, collected, piled, or kept on private or public property, and in view of adjacent properties or public rights-of-way and are not stored inside a building;
(8) Bonfires. Burning, causing or permitting to be burned upon any private or public property any dirt, filth, manure, garbage, sweepings, leaves, ashes, paper, waste, or rubbish of any kind;
(9) Burning of garbage. Burning upon any private or public property any garbage,offal, excrement, fresh or decaying fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, or bone, or any foul, putrid, or obnoxious liquid or substance; and
(10) Own, possess, maintain, or allow any building or premises which is determined to be dangerous or dilapidated. Any building or structure which has any or all of the conditions or defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be a dangerous or dilapidated building, if such conditions or defects thereby annoy, injure, or endanger the comfort, repose, health, or safety of others, or if such conditions or defects exist to the extent that the life, health, property, value of property, or safety of the public or its occupants are jeopardized:
(a) Whenever any building or structure: is vacant or unoccupied for the purpose for which it was erected; is unfit for occupancy as it fails to meet minimum housing standards; and has remained substantially in such condition for a period in excess of six months; and/or
(b) Whenever any building or structure through lack of maintenance or attention and by virtue of its physical appearance and presence thereby depresses the market value of surrounding properties.
(Prior Code, § 3.0101) (Ord. 335, passed 7-16-2019) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The City Council shall give written notice or cause written notice to be given to any person creating, permitting, or maintaining any nuisance to abate such nuisance forthwith, and if such person shall neglect or refuse to do so, or otherwise fails to provide adequate assurances of compliance within a reasonable time after such notice, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this chapter. The City Council shall cause to be removed or abated any such nuisance upon the expiration of a reasonable time after the serving of such notice; and the city may recover the expenses so incurred from the person maintaining such nuisance in a civil suit instituted for such purpose, or may levy an assessment against the property and collect the same.
(B) Within ten days after any assessment has been approved by the City Council, a certified copy of the same shall be filed with the Finance Officer, and shall be due and payable to the city. If the assessment is not paid within 60 days of filing, a penalty cost of 10% shall be added in addition to the annual interest rate at the highest legal rate allowed by law on the unpaid balance.
(Prior Code, § 3.0102) Penalty, see § 10.99