91.01 Running at large prohibited
91.02 Compulsory immunization of animals for rabies
91.03 Responsibility of owner to place animal for observation
91.04 Vicious animals
91.05 Disturbance of peace by animals
91.06 Cruelty to animals
91.07 Stray, abandoned, or unkept animals
91.08 Hogs in city
(A) No owner of any dog, cat, livestock or fowl or other animal held as a domestic pet or for any use in the city, shall permit such animal to run at large at any time, and any such animal found at large may be impounded as hereinafter provided and/or such owner may be penalized as provided by § 10.99.
(B) The City Council shall be authorized to appoint some person or persons, whose duty it shall be to impound any animals running at large, contrary to the provisions of this chapter. Any police officer will likewise have such power. Upon impounding, the owner of such animal may, at any time within three working days after the same shall have been impounded, reclaim the animal by paying the expense of keeping such animal. The expenses to be charged shall from time to time be set by resolution of the City Council. If any animal so impounded shall not be reclaimed within three working days and all efforts to locate the owner have failed, the Police Department is authorized to destroy, sell, or otherwise dispose of such animal.
(C) No person shall hinder, delay, or obstruct the Police Department, its assistants, or any law enforcement officer when engaged in capturing, securing or impounding any animal or animals.
(D) The City Council shall be authorized to enter into a contract with some person, association, or humane society to establish, operate, and maintain an animal pound in and for the city. Such contract shall provide for the enforcement of this chapter, for the impounding, destroying, and disposal of animals, for a schedule of fees to be charged for services rendered, and for a monthly amount to be paid by the city. The city may, in lieu of the provisions of this section, maintain its own impoundment area or quarters, under the supervision of the City Council.
(E) Any owner allowing his or her animal to run at large as defined in the provisions of this section, if convicted, shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 5.0301) (Ord. 360, passed 8-15-2023) Penalty, see §
(A) Every dog, cat, or other animal held as a domestic pet in the city, six months of age or older, shall be immunized against rabies by a licensed veterinarian or other qualified person designated by the City Council. Immunization against rabies shall be given at such intervals to guarantee immunity, and the minimum time period between vaccinations shall be determined by the available vaccine and based upon the recommendations and approval of the State Veterinarian.
(B) Any owner acquiring a dog, cat, or other animal by purchase, gift, birth, or otherwise shall have such animal immunized against rabies within one month following acquisition or when such animal reaches the age of six months.
(C) Any animal impounded shall not be released to any person until such animal has been immunized against rabies, provided, however, no animal so impounded shall be immunized if the owner can present a certificate of a current immunization having been previously performed.
(D) All veterinarians or other qualified persons designated to immunize animals against rabies shall provide the owner at the time of immunization with a certificate or metallic tag showing the date of immunization.
(E) Whenever metallic tags are so given for immunizations, such metallic tags shall be worn by all animals on a collar, harness, or chain when off the premises of the owner.
(Prior Code, § 5.0302) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) When any person owning or harboring a dog, cat, or other animal has been notified that said animal has bitten or attacked any person, the owner shall within 24 hours place the animal under the care and observation of the Police Department or a licensed veterinarian for a period of not less than ten days.
(B) At the end of the ten-day observation period, the animal shall be examined by a licensed veterinarian and, if cleared by the veterinarian, may be reclaimed by the owner upon paying the expenses incident thereto.
(C) Any animal impounded or placed for observation, showing active signs of rabies, suspected of having rabies, or known to have been exposed to rabies shall be confined under competent observation for such time as may be deemed necessary to determine a diagnosis.
(D) Any person who shall suspect that any animal in the city is infected with rabies shall report said animal to the Police Department, or other health authority, describing the animal and giving the name and address of the owner if known.
(E) No person shall knowingly harbor or keep any animal infected with rabies or any animal known to have been bitten by an animal known to have been infected with rabies.
(F) Any person within the city receiving information or reports of suspected rabies in wild animal or domestic animals shall report such information to the Police Department of the city.
(G) Any rabid animal may be destroyed by the Police Department upon authorization in writing by the City Council.
(H) Whenever the Police Department shall have determined that there is danger of the existence or spread of rabies in the city, such facts shall be made known to the City Council in writing. The Council, upon receipt of said facts, may by proclamation, in the interest of public safety and general welfare of the citizenry, order all animals muzzled when off the premises of the owner. Forty-eight hours after the publication of said proclamation all animals found off the premises of the owner unmuzzled shall be seized and impounded or may be immediately destroyed if all reasonable efforts to seize said animals fail. All animals seized and impounded shall be held for observation as hereinbefore provided for not less than ten days and, if cleared by a licensed veterinarian, may be claimed by the owner upon paying the expenses incidental thereto. Any animal not claimed may be disposed of as hereinbefore provided.
(Prior Code, § 5.0303) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) An animal is declared to be vicious within the meaning of this section when it shall have bitten any person when the fact that there has been no provocation to incite such action has been reasonably established, or when a propensity to attack or bite human beings shall exist and is known, or ought reasonably to be known by the owner.
(B) No vicious animal shall be allowed off the premises of its owner unless muzzled or on a leash, in charge of the owner or a member of the owner’s immediate family over 16 years of age.
(C) Any vicious animal which is found off the premises of the owner, other than provided herein, shall be seized by the Police Department and be delivered to the animal pound. When reasonable efforts to seize such animal fail and it is deemed advisable, such action as is necessary can be taken to dispose of said animal. If impounded, upon establishment of the vicious character of said animal, the owner shall be notified to dispose of the animal.
(D) Any owner who allows a vicious animal to be in violation of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, if convicted, will be guilty of a further violation each day that such condition is allowed to exist or goes uncorrected.
(Prior Code, § 5.0304) Penalty, see § 10.99
The owner of an animal shall not allow such animal to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood, also construed to mean the city, through barking or any other manner possible. Upon complaint, such owner will be notified by the Police Department and said owner shall abate such nuisance. If convicted upon failure to abate such nuisance, said owner will be guilty of further violations for each day that such condition is allowed to exist or goes uncorrected.
(Prior Code, § 5.0305) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall willfully or negligently maltreat or abuse or neglect in a cruel or inhumane manner any animal or fowl. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully or maliciously administer, or cause to be administered, poison of any sort whatsoever to any animal, with the intent to injure or destroy such animal, or to willfully or maliciously place any poison or poisoned food where the same is accessible to any such animal.
(Prior Code, § 5.0306) Penalty, see § 10.99