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   It shall be unlawful for any person to disobey the instructions of any official traffic sign or signal upon the street placed by the City Council, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
(Prior Code, § 6.0218) Penalty, see § 70.99
   The operator of a vehicle emerging from an alley, building, private road, or driveway within a business or residence area shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or onto the sidewalk area extending across such alley, building entrance, road, or driveway, or in the event there is no sidewalk area, shall stop at the point nearest the street to be entered where said operator has a view of approaching traffic thereon.
(Prior Code, § 6.0219) Penalty, see § 70.99
   The operator of any vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at the end of a block, except at intersections where the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or traffic control signals. Whenever any vehicle has stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross a roadway, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any other vehicle approaching from the rear to overtake and pass such stopped vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 6.0220) Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   General restrictions. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle on a street or highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing or at those fixed by this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 6.0301)
   (B)   Speed zones; establishment. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 15 mph while passing through a school zone, or while traveling upon any street on or across which children are passing going to and from school during school days when such school children are present.
(Prior Code, § 6.0302)
Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to prohibit the excessive, loud, unusual, or explosive use of engine and compressed air-braking devices within the city.
   (B)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ENGINE RETARDING BRAKE. A “Dynamic Brake”, “Jake Brake”, “Jacobs Brake”, “C-Brake”, “Paccar Brake”, transmission brake, or any other ENGINE RETARDING BRAKE system that alters the normal compression of the engine and subsequently releases that compression.
   (C)   Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to use or operate or cause to be used or operated within the city any engine brake, compression brake, or mechanical exhaust device designed to aid in the braking or deceleration of any vehicle that results in excessive, loud, unusual, or explosive noise from such vehicle, unless such use is necessary to avoid imminent danger.
   (D)   Signage. Signs stating “Vehicle Noise Laws Enforced” or “Engine Brake Ordinance Enforced” may be installed at locations deemed appropriate by the City Public Works Department or the Police Department to advise motorists of the prohibitions contained in this section, except that no sign stating “Vehicle Noise Laws Enforced” or “Engine Brake Ordinance Enforced” shall be installed on a state highway without a permit from the State Department of Transportation. The provisions of this section shall be in full force and effect even if no signs are installed.
   (E)   Exceptions. Emergency vehicles shall be exempt from the application of this section.
   (F)   Enforcement. This section is deemed to be a county infraction. It shall be enforced pursuant to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (G)   Adoption. This section will take effect 20 days following its final publication.
(Ord. 312, passed 5-4-2015) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to prohibit damage caused by unauthorized vehicles to city property.
   (B)   Definitions.
      CITY PROPERTY. All property owned and/or maintained by the City of Faith, including but not limited to city buildings, city sporting venues, city golf course, city shooting range, city lots, city docks, city fences, or other city property.
      UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE. For the purpose of this section, unauthorized vehicles shall be defined as any titled or untitled motorized vehicle or equipment, including but not limited to motor vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, jet skis, boats or any other motorized vehicle or equipment that is not owned, leased or maintained by the City of Faith or any vehicle which has not been authorized to be driven on city property by either the City Council, City Public Works Foreman, or Chief of Police.
   (C)   Prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any unauthorized vehicle or equipment to drive on, traverse or be present on any city property, other than a public right of way or parking lot. Prohibited areas may or may not be marked by a sign stating "No Unauthorized Motor Vehicles Beyond This Point".
   (D)   Authorized punishment. A violation of this section shall be deemed to be a petty offense. A violation of this section may be punishable by a fine of up to $100 and may also include a ban from entering or being physically present on any city property, including but not limited to any city public building or parking area, city sports venues, city golf course, city shooting range, Durkee Lake or the Durkee Lake Recreational Area. Violators may also be subject to restitution payments for all costs of repair, reclamation or restoration of damaged city property. Repeat violations which occur within two years of the first violation may be subject to the following enhanced penalties:
      (1)   A second violation of this section which occurs within two years of the first violation may also include a six month ban from entering or being physically present on any city property, including but not limited to any city public building or parking area, city sports venues, city golf course, city shooting range, Durkee Lake or the Durkee Lake Recreational Area.
      (2)   A third violation involving the golf course which occurs within two years of the first violation may also include a one year ban from entering or being physically present on any city property, including but not limited to any city public building or parking area, city sports venues, city golf course, city shooting range, Durkee Lake or the Durkee Lake Recreational Area.
(Ord. 341, passed 9-1-2020)