(a)    "Fairview Park community group" means a group organized for a purpose other than to generate income for profit and that maintains a business address within the City of Fairview Park.
   (b)    "Parade" means a group of five or more persons on foot, or three or more vehicles or equestrians standing or moving upon any public highway or public ground, under common control or direction. This definition shall not include any governmental officers or employees acting in their capacity as such, or persons under their direction, any military organization, any funeral procession or any person while engaging in his lawful employment in business or trade.
   (c)    "Special event" means an activity sponsored by one or more Fairview Park community groups in a public park or within the public right-of-way subject to the approval by the Chief of Police.
   (d)    No person shall take part in any parade or special event unless a permit for the parade has been issued as herein provided.
   (e)    No person shall drive a vehicle through a parade except with permission of a police officer.
   (f)    Except for parades or special events sponsored by the City including, but not limited to, holiday parades, block parties, commemorations, social gatherings, tours and similar events, no person or organization shall sponsor or conduct a parade or special event without first obtaining a permit from the Chief of Police or his or her designee. The application for such a permit shall be filed with the Chief of Police or designee not less than 45 days prior to the parade or special event, and shall contain such information required by the Chief of Police.
   (g)    If the Chief of Police or his or her designee finds that the proposed parade or special event will result in disturbance of the peace, or violation of law, or unreasonable interference with public travel, or unreasonable demand upon police, fire or service personnel, including the cumulative cost and impact of permits granted previously during the year for other parades or special events, or unreasonable interference with the right of quiet enjoyment by the citizens in the use of their property, that food will be prepared or served in violation of any applicable health codes, that alcohol will be served, or that the applicant or group, organization or persons represented by the applicant, shall have previously violated the provisions of a similar permit, or shall have violated any of the ordinances of the City, or laws of the State or of the United States in connection with a previous parade or special event in or upon the streets, parks or public grounds of the City or elsewhere, the permit shall not be issued, otherwise, the Chief of Police or his or her designee shall issue a permit therefor.
   (h)    The 45-day application period may be shortened by the Chief of Police or his or her designee for good cause shown, upon the written request of the applicant, stating the reasons therefor, and further, that the shortening of the permit application period would not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and welfare of the City.
   (i)    Except where the event is organized or sponsored by the Fairview Park Board of Education, the person or organization sponsoring or conducting a parade or special event shall be responsible for providing adequate off-duty safety personnel as required and approved by the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
   (j)    The Chief of Police or his or her designee may promulgate written rules and regulations for the administration of this section, a copy of which, if so promulgated, shall be provided with any permit application requested. The Chief of Police or his or her designee may delegate an officer or employee of the City to process permit applications. The Chief of Police shall establish a list of City owned parks that may be held open to community groups for special events.
   (k)    No person shall knowingly give any false or misleading information in any permit application for a parade or special event permit.
   (l)    Each permit application, except those submitted by the Fairview Park Board of Education, shall be accompanied by the application fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00) to reimburse the City for its administrative costs, including set-up and inspections.  The application fee shall be refunded only if no permit is issued. After the parade or special event and all direct and indirect costs have been calculated, the applicant will either be billed for or refunded the difference.
   (m)    Whoever violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 13-15.  Passed 4-1-13.)